Chapter 12

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I stare at the glossy half-moon shining brightly while waiting by the bus stop.

I had to work extra time at the shop because I demanded a raise in my salary from my boss since I need the money more than ever right now.

Refusing to cogitate about what went on today, the most shocking news leaving me stupefied and weak I exhale shakily blinking back the tears threateningly to fall, the sound of cricket coming from the thicket, dulcet me from my maudlin thought.

Zephyr blow helped me normalize my breath from the fear growing in me.

I stare in silence watching cars pass by and people going in different directions before hearing my phone vibrate to life.

I scramble through my bag for my phone before answering the phone to be welcomed by the concerned voice of Emma" Shiloh where are you? "

"I had to close late today but I will be home very soon, just waiting for the bus, " I say hastily hitting my heel on the bench continuously.

"tell me where you are I will come, get you, " she says while making a susurrate sound.

"Um... the bus is here already, " I say hearing the bus pull to a stop in front of me.

I pick my bag from the bench before walking into the bus "okay take care" she says hanging up.

I decide to sit by the right side of the bus closer to the window before putting my phone back into my bag.

Focusing my gaze outside enjoying the calmness of the night since there are few people on the bus it wasn't noisy.

Today has been stressful having an arrogant boss finding fault in anything you do. Mrs. Andrew is a pain in the neck sorry to say, I have never met anyone as bossy as she is.

You can never find that woman saying a joke or laughing at one, always so grumpy, she owns the little supermarket in which I work.

The bus came to a stop, I pick my bag before coming out of the bus.

I walk the short distance towards the house on a sombre night, the guard opened the gate letting me in with a nod.

I smile sweetly before walking towards the front door, my heartbeat loudly against the ribcage of my chest making my breath shallow.

"what if he is still in there with her" I mutter under my breath.

I exhale shakily trying to normalize my breathing before pushing the door open "I can do this" I whisper silently entering the living room.

I find Emma sitting together with Damian on the couch while glaring at him with Louis sitting across from them on the couch.

Maybe I could use my nonexistent ninja skills in running towards my room without them noticing " Shiloh thank goodness you are back" Emma says averting her gaze towards me with a sigh.

It seems my idea has become futile" what are you all doing? "I ask placing myself comfortably on the couch with an audible sigh leaving my lips.

"I don't know about them but I was only waiting for you to get back" she shrugs with a smile playing on her lips.

I stare at her with a raised eyebrow in a manner that says ' what uncanny idea are you plotting on'.

"is that so," I say mellowly.

" Shiloh I would like to um... say sorry," Louis says dolesomely meeting my gaze with imploring eyes.

"We both are sorry for not letting you know about Chance's engagement," Damien continues with sincerity in his voice.

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