Chapter 32

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Why do my head and hands hurt so much, it feels as if a train ran over me and this soreness I feel on my knees is almost unbearable.

I hiss blinking my eyes shut from the light shining directly at my face, I blink open my eyes twice trying to get used to the intense sunlight shining into the room from the window.

Where am I?, I twirl my head round with a puzzled gaze, my stomach churned with fear.

The places look more like an abandoned basement than a room, with broken furniture, and nails everywhere with dust and spider web at every corner and hiding places of this room.

A small bed with torn dirt brown sheets was placed on a broken headboard close to the wall.

The blue colors of the wall wash away leaving a little hint of blue behind, the fan on the ceiling covered with dust the ceiling having holes and dirt.

This place looks desolate and unsafe, who is behind this? What does he/she want with me?.

I sigh knowing I have to wait for all these questions to be answered or I could just keep trying to get out of this rope tied around my wrist holding me to both hands of the chair.

I tug harshly on the rope wincing as the rope bit my wrist, trying three more times after a failed attempt I try pulling the rope around my ankle yet another failed attempt.

"Wow she finally decides to wake," a voice says behind me startling me, I try turning towards the door but the ropes keep me from looking towards this voice" I was starting to think the drugs was too much for your system to take in," says the voice sounding more like a man's voice as he approaches me.

I gasp shocked immediately the owner of the voice comes into my sight of view " Blake Jackson ?" I ask confused.

Let me refresh your memory of who Blake Jackson is.

Blake Jackson went to the same high school as me and had a crush on me back then, he looks just the same as when we met at the bus stop except for the curly black hair looking longer and bags under his eyes.

"Correct, I know you must be surprised with the different questions running through your mind," he says placing a stool and a tray containing a plate covered with a lid and a bottle of water beside me before pulling another stool in front of me.

He laughs lightly at my intense gaze on him before taking a seat" ride on with the questions I am here to answer every question" he says with a smug look with his hands crossed over his broad chest.

"What going on? what is this place? and why am I here?" I ask confused and frustrated with this obnoxious guy.

"Sweetheart you have to ask your question one at a time," he says slowly with a raised eyebrow.

Taking a deep breath with my eyes closed before replying in a more calm manner" Blake Jackson why am I here?" I ask meeting his eyes with a glare.

"Always so feisty but that what I love about you," he says with a mischievous smile before bringing his face a few inches away from mine making me push a little backward" I brought you here to carry out my revenge on your father," He says maliciously with a cold stare.

"What are you saying?" I question trying not to qualm under his gaze.

He replies with a half-smile before returning to his previous position on his seat" your father was the reason my Dad was put into prison and when he couldn't take being there he took his life leaving me a four years old boy and my pregnant mother all alone to live in poverty" He explains malignly.

Sweat ran down my face as I gaze away from him feeling overwrought" What?" I whisper before meeting his eyes with uncertainty" I don't know what your plan is, so leave me out of your lies"

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