Chapter 25

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Chance Pov:

I groan placing the back of my hand on my forehead not only trying to block the rays from my eyes but also the banging in my head" who the hell opened the blinds" I groan out before blinking my eyes open.

I pick up my clock on the nightstand checking for the time" 10:49 am" getting drunk by six in the morning is never a good idea.

I arise sitting on the bed then place the clock on the nightstand before walking towards the bathroom.

Everything is well arranged and cleaned in the room after having an emotional meltdown this morning.

I got under the showerhead after striping letting the water ease the hangover.

After taking a shower and brushing my teeth I got into the walk-in closet changing into a black slim skinny harem and a grey pullover sweatshirt.

Taking a shower didn't help to ease the hangover and the pain is becoming excruciating.

After getting dressed I sent a quick message to Louis and Damien to come over before walking towards the kitchen to have a little bit of coffee.

"Good morning Mum," I say kissing orange on the cheek before taking a seat on the kitchen chair while she continues making breakfast.

"Morning. Take this for the hangover" she places a cup of coffee, aspirin, and a plate of bacon, scrambled eggs, pancake, waffles some fruit, and a jug of orange juice on the table with the help of two maids before taking a seat across from mine.

"Thanks, I need this," I say with a smile before dishing myself some pancake, bacon, and eggs.

"Drinking doesn't take the problems away or does it solve them," she says before pouring herself a glass of orange juice " it only adds more problem to the equation"

"Yeah, I will keep that in mind next time" I nod before taking the aspirin and gulping down the coffee " are you going to the hospital to see Shiloh?" I inquiry placing the cup of coffee down.

"Yes, I cleared my noon conference today just to visit her even though it was just for a few minutes before going back to the office" I nod taking a bite from my plate.

"You should put some ice on that," she says point towards my red jaw.

"I don't feel any pain on it just looks sore" I shrug.


"Come on guys you can't possibly still be angry," I say my eyes flicking between the both of them finding it irking that they are giving me the silent treatment.

Damien spreads out comfortably on my bed with his hand crossed under his head while Louis made himself well relaxed on the couch beside the bed while I the host stands across from them explaining what went down between me and Dad this morning excluding the secret since they know about the bargain I had with that man.

"We know Mr. Colt played a part in this but you played a bigger role in all this leading to this problem" Damien explains focusing his gaze on the ceiling.

"And besides we cautioned you to stop these games, " Louis continues nonchalantly.

"I know you told me to tell Mum and Shiloh before it got this far but I was too hot-headed to listen" I sigh running my hand through my already messy hair.

"But it never too late to fight," Louis says " maybe you can just start by doing nice things for her"

"No that won't help, remember she was leaving him before this occurred so maybe he could start by being truthful" Damien injects thoughtfully.

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