Chapter 16

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Mackenzie Foy as Summer (picture above).

Immediately I got home I was met with silence meaning no one was home so I decided to take a nap to relax my aching back before waking up later, coming down for a glass of water and to feed my raging stomach.

I hit up the spaghetti I brought from the restaurant yesterday while doing so I did a little clean-up around the house before seating in the kitchen to enjoy a plate of spaghetti with a glass of water.

The house is so quiet that I almost died of boredom before picking up my phone to call Emma, she picks on the third ring with a whisper " Hello Shiloh"

" where are you and why are you whispering?" I ask confused before taking a bite from the spaghetti curled around my fork.

"I am currently having lunch with my family and Damien's family, and you know my Mum hates having phones ringing when eating with family, " she says still whispering.

I know about Emma's Mum's disapproval when it comes to picking calls when the family is eating together so I don't blame Emma for being cautious" okay I will call you later don't forget to greet your family on my behalf" I say before ending the call.

Emma has a younger brother Ethan who is just 14 years while Damien has two elder sisters being the only son in the family.

I take a sip from the glass of water before dialing Mum Elaine's number, she picked at the first ring " how are you doing dear?" She asks cheerfully.

I laugh elated "I am doing good "

"That's good, am expecting everyone today for dinner at the house," she says warmly.

"Okay I will be there for dinner "

"Okay, I am in a meeting right now so see you later, " she says before we both exchange goodbyes.

I place my phone on the table contemplating going with my instinct or saving myself the trouble.

The phone ring a few times before going into voicemail " Mum please if you get this message call back I need you right now" I say before ending the call.

As usual, I know she won't call back but a girl can hope, right?.

I continue eating in silence before hearing footsteps coming down the stairs, Chance walks in looking handsome as always with gray sweatpants hanging around his waist lazily and a white t-shirt.

I watch him as he moves swiftly towards the fridge filling an empty glass with water before gulping down the content.

Clearing my throat and most importantly the sinful imagination in my mind " umm.... would you like to eat anything?" I ask immediately he placed the glass back on the rack.

"Yeah," he says but before I could stand up to get him a plate he stopped me " I will get it myself"

I reply with an okay before focusing my attention on my food, after dishing himself a plate he took a seat across mine taking a bite from his food.

We continue eating in silence before hearing him push a key towards me, my eyes flick between the key on the table and him confused" this is the key to your new car" he says smugly making me more confused.

"I don't need a car I am okay taking the bus," I say matter of fact pushing the key towards him. I do need the car but he doesn't need to know that.

"Just take the key and stop acting obstinate" he scoffs before pushing the key back " and I don't want you asking guys for a lift " he mumbled under his breath making it difficult for me to even hear anything he said.

VERDICT OF LOVEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें