Chapter 5: Messing with Mr. Bad boy

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It was another morning in the fall when I was walking towards my new highschool. The weather was a bit chilly and I noticed all the red, orange and yellow leaves everywhere, making the nature look beautiful than ever.

I soon reached the school and walked down the hallway and began to go towards the English hallway where my locker was. As I kept walking, I could hear somebody saying something.

"Yo nerd girl!" I heard a voice from back.

I turned around and saw the same stupid boy from before. He was very far from me and he was waving at me as if he wanted to talk to me.

I turned my head away from him and kept walking.

I didn't knew why he kept calling me but I wasn't planning to ruin my morning because of him.

I made my way towards my locker and heard him calling me a few time. I ignored him.

I went to my locker and took the combinational lock on my hand and unlocked it. I opened the locker and put my bag there. Then I took off my thin layer of jacket and as I was about to put it in the locker, I heard a slam of fist beside the locker.

I turned my head around and saw the stupid boy. He looked angry.

"Yo nerd girl! Can't you hear that I am calling you?" he asked.

I ignored him. I put my jacket on the locker and took my bag to take out the books for my first two classes.

He sighed. "Listen, what happened yesterday -"

"I don't want to talk about it," I interrupted, fixing my glasses.

"No, listen to me," he insisted.

I looked at him. We were only a few inches near eachother. He didn't look angry though. He looked more like ashamed.

"Actually yesterday, I ran into you and . . ." Before he could say anything, the bell rang.

I needed to go to my class. I closed the locker and was going to walk away when he held my hand and pulled me towards him. I looked at him, annoyingly.

Just, what did he want?

"Listen to me when I am talking to you, nerd girl," he greeted his teeth.

"I am not interested in listening to your nonsense," I said as I was going to go again but this time, he pulled my hand and pushed me on the locker.

I was pressing my back on the locker, while he was infront of me.

"I am trying to tell you something," he said and he was going to lean near me when I pressed my foot on his foot, hard.

"Ouch! Shit!" he winched in pain as he pulled away from me and began to jump. "Shit! You little-"

I smirked. "Aw, did I hurt your poor little feet there?" I asked.

The bad boy looked at me, annoyingly.

"Take care of your self, okay?" I mocked as I began to walk towards my class. I turned my head around to see the boy looking at me, angrily. "And, I am not so sorry about what I did," I called out. "Later, Mr. Bad boy."

I walked towards my class which was calculus and vector. I went to my class and took a seat. Putting my books down and taking out a note book, I began to take notes of what was being taught in the class.

When the calculus and vector class was over, I grabbed my books and began to wall towards my drama class.

I went to the drama class and saw Emily sitting on a seat and putting her bag on the seat beside her. She looked at me and waved her hand.

"Hey Yumna!" she said.

I waved at her and walked towards her. She put her bag away from the seat beside her and I took the seat beside her and sat there.

"How was your morning?" she asked. "I heard the rumore."

I looked at her confusingly. "What rumore?" I asked her tugging my hair behind my ear.

"I heard that you had a fight with Mr.Bad boy today," she smirked.

I looked at her and smiled. "Yeah, he was annoying me so I stepped on his foot."

She laughed. "Goodness! I didn't know you are a fisty type," she laughed. "You know what? Nobody have ever dared to make that move on Omar."


Suddenly, I felt a sudden pain in my head. I put my hands on the both side of my head to stop the pain. But it didn't stop.

I bit my lower lip.

It was as if my brain was going to break into pieces.

The name 'Omar' sounded so familiar. I wondered where did I heard it from.

My headache began to fade away slowly as I sighed in relief. I looked at Emily who was looking at me, worriedly.

"You okay?" she asked.

I nodded. I didn't say anything to her though. My mind was fillied with the thoughts of 'Omar.'

That name, 'Omar.' I have heard it somewhere in my past. But who was it? Where did I hear it from? And why did I get such a headache when I heard that name? Was it something to do with the accident that happened 11 years ago where I couldn't remember any of my childhood memories?


Assalamualikum and hello!

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Just did a double update today because you are being so nice and voting and commenting on the chapters which is encouraging me to write more.

Let me know your thoughts are about this chapter.

A huge thanks to peole who voted and commented in the previous chapters. It honestly made me so happy. Please keep supporting me like that.

Thanks a lot!


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