Chapter 48: Breakfast Together

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I walked down the stairs as I could hear sound of talking coming from the dining room.

It was a week since I got my fever and today, I was finally feeling better. So after waking up and praying Fajr salah and reading a few pages of the Holy Quran, I decided to finally join for breakfast with my family. It was getting boring sitting on the bed and eating food all by myself.

Although, sometimes, Omar would cook food by himself and even hand fed me, I still missed the regular conversation with our family.

I walked down the stairs and finaly reached the dinning table where I saw mom and dad talking and eating while Omar and Emily had a war going on. Except the fact that Emily was totally doing it violently while Omar just sat on his chair, holding a news paper and arguing back to her.

"Just why can't you keep your mouth shut for once, Omar!" Emily yelled, slapping her hands on the table.

"Well, it wasn't my fault that your cooking is always so bad!" Omar sighed as he flipped a few pages of the news paper.

I looked over at mom and dad and noticed them still talking and ignoring the twins as if what was going on was totally normal.

"I have put my heart into cooking that omelet for you!" She yelled.

"I am afraid that to make omelet you need more ingredients than a heart," Omar chuckled as he went back to reading news paper.

Emily looked like he was about the burst into anger. Her cheeks were red with anger. "Fine! Nevermind! I will never cook for you!" She yelled as she took an apple from the fruit basket on the table and threw it to him as if she wanted to knock him out with it.

But, what Omar did only made Emily angrier.

Omar caught the apple and smirked. "Thanks," he said and took a bite of the apple.

Emily looked at him in horror.

"I was too lazy to grab it by myself so thanks, my poor poor little sister," he chuckled as he took another bite of the apple.

Emily threw her arms in frustration and sighed as she sat on her chair. She took a toast and nibbled on it, mumbling, "You are so horrible, Omar."

I just stood there, trying to understand if I should laugh because of what Omar did to Emily or should I feel upset for Emily.

I noticed dad looking at me and gasped in shock. "Yumna?"

Everybody look up to me. It felt weird to be in the center of the attention but I kissed the smile of mom and dad's face for a long time.

"Um . . . Good morning-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence when Omar got off from his chair and walked to me and put his hand on my forehead to check my temperature.

I stood there straight as he checked my cheeks and neck and sighed in relief. "Good, no fever today," he smiled.

I smiled back.

I heard a few giggles from out back and as I pecked on the back, I saw mom and Emily giggling while dad chuckled.

"Honey, don't you think our son is becoming a little romantic now a days?" Dad teased.

"Well, our little boy is growing into a big man," mom laughed.

Heat flushed on my cheeks. I look over to Omar and noticed him, blushing a bit but he didn't reply. Instead, he went over to his seat and then patted on the seat beside him, silently, signalling for me to seat there.

I walked to my seat and sat beside Omar.

"Here you go," Emily smiled as she handed me a few toasts. "Nice to see you well. You missed so much work since last week."

I nodded. "I know. It's already January and we are starting our second semester today," I sighed, remembering all the new piles of work that I have to do for making up my tests and quizzes.

"Ms. Henry said the play is going to be within 2 months," Omar stated as he took some bite of his apples.

Mom and dad looked at us excitedly.

"You are doing a play?" Mon asked.

Emily nodded. "Yes, we are doing Romeo and Juliet play."

Dad beamed. "Wow! I love that play. All you guys are going to be participating?"

I nodded. "Yes, dad."

Mom laughed. "Wow! That's great. Bilal, remember how we once went out for movies just to relax because Omar was giving us a hard time?"

Dad nodded. "Yeah. Those days were crazy. Omar and Emily were only 2 years old. While Emily would just crawl on the floor and play with her dolls, Omar would be in a mission to rip all the dolls head and make Emily cry."

I tried to hold my laughter as I watch Omar frowning.

"Honey, do you remember this one time Omar didn't like this guy in grade 3 and he threw up on him purposely?" Dad sighed.

"Oh yeah and this another time when Omar was in grade 2, he farted in the class perposely because he wasn't in the mood to study," mom sighed.

Omar slammed her fist in the table, angrily and embarrassed. "Honestly, why do always have to talk about how troublesome I was?!" Omar yelled, like a kid who just got insulted.

"Well," dad said as he took a sip of his orange juice. "You were a pain in the ass."

I couldn't hold it any longer. Putting my hands on my stomach, I burst into laugh.

Omar sighed. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Emily laughed as well but as she took a look at her phone, her face paled. "Oh no! I needed to goo school early today for art class but it is already 8:30 A.M. We have only 30 minutes left till the school start ," she yelled in panic.

"What?" I was in panic as well. School starts at 9:00 A.M. and we didn't even got ready to go to school.

Emily rushed out to her room to get ready. Omar sighed and began to walk towards our room.

I got off from my chair and was going to go to my room when my phone buzzed.

I took the phone in my hand and saw that there was a notification from an unknown number. I unlocked my phone and tapped on the message button and as I read the message, I was shocked.

Assalamualikum and hello!

How are you?

I didn't had much time so I only did a single update. It is Christmas here, so my work just doubled and I am working from morning tonight so really tired and didn't had much time to update. I will try to another update within 24 hours though.

Have a nice day, guys!


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