Chapter 22: Omar to the Rescue

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Mrs. Chatti wasn't kidding when she said outside was cold. Outside was actually cold and a thin layer of outfit that I was wearing, it wasn't helping much.

I was freezing as I reached to the bus stop and began to wait for the bus.

There was nobody in the bus stop and I was freezing. I crossed my arms around my chest and stood there, waiting for the bus.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my back. I turned around and gasped in shock. There were two guys standing near me. Both looked sober and drunk. I noticed their eyes as they were looking up and down on my body as if they were checking me out.

I was getting scared just by looking at the boys. They looked like they were teenagers.

They were not even allowed to drink by law!

The boys grinned as they noticed how I was getting scared. I began to step back.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" One of the boys laughed.

I stepped back and felt my back touching the bus stand pole.

I was never in a situation like this. I was honestly getting scared because I was the only person outside in this cold winter, beside the boys.

"Aw!" Another boy said as he reached his hand near my cheeks as I slapped it away.

"Stay away from me!" I yelled/whispered.

'Oh Allah ( S.W.T.), please help me,' I prayed in my mind.

The boys laughed.

"She is fisty type," the first boy laughed.

"Well," the other boy began to step near me. "It is more fun to play with a fisty girl than a normal girl," he smirked as he began to lean near me.

My back was on the pole. I couldn't escape. I shut my eyes and hugged my body in fear.

'Allah ( S.W.T.), please save me,' I prayed. 'Please, Allah ( S.W.T.).'

The boy leaned more closer. "Aw, don't be scared, sweetie,", he laughed as he inched closer.

My eyes were still shut with fear.

Another boy leaned near the pole, "Tell us your name, babe."

As the other boy was going to lean more closer to my face, I heard a fist punch on the pole.

I shut my eyes open and noticed somebody else's hand was on the bus stand pole, above my head. I looked at him and noticed the person looking angry and pissed. He was glaring at the two drunken teenage boys. I gasped in shock as I realized the person was none other than Omar.

Omar was wearing a think long thick coat and he didn't even change of what he was wearing before.

"Whose girl do you think you are pawing on, boys?" Omar said, angrily. His eyes were glaring at the boys and because Omar was taller than the two boys, the boys looked scared.

"W-w-who are you?" One boy shuttered.

The boy who was leaning near the pole smirked. "This girl is ours, buddy," he said as he grabbed my hand. "Don't bother us-"

"I suggest you to let go of her hand," Omar greeted his teeth. "Or else, I will cut your bones into pieces and feed it to dogs!"

The boys didn't leg go of my hand though.

"Let go!" Omar yelled.

The boys laughed.

Omar grabbed my hand and pulled me in a force that I stumbled and crashed on his arm as his side.

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