Chapter 23: A Little Care

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"Just why the heck you are following me, Mr. Bad boy!" I yelled as I turned around and saw Omar.

I was angry.

Ever since I got off the bus, Omar began to walked behind me and started to follow me which was pissing me off.

Just why couldn't he go back to his home already?!

"I am not following you," he said, flatly, from behind.

I growled in anger. "Then why are you coming behind me?!"

"Because I want to," he answered, still walking behind me.


It was useless to talk to Omar.

I peaked back and notice him looking around as he walked. As usual, he didn't held any facial expressions.

I sighed.

It was so hard to figure out what stupid ideas were going in his head.

I kept walking as I felt the wind blew hard. The air was getting colder and I could feel my legs wobbling.

It wasn't even snowed yet but the weather was turning colder than usual.

"Yumna, stop walking," I heard Omar saying from the back.

I was confused. I wanted to ask him the reason but I didn't bother. He was my enemy and I was not going to follow his orders around!

Who did he thought of himself anyway that he could boss me around?

So, instead of listening to him, I began to walk faster.

"Yumna," I heard Omar's warning voice.

I mentally laughed. It was fun to piss him off.

I walked faster and peaked back and saw Omar walking faster to catch up with me.

I smirked and began to run now. There was no body out in the cold street and I felt like a free runner, running in the street to catch the moon on the sky.

I kept running and noticed Omar running behind me.

I laughed. I knew he was angry and it made me feel good that at least there was something that I could do against him.

"Don't you realize how childish this is?" Omar yelled as he ran towards me.

I laughed as I inhaled the cold air in my lungs. It was fun to run in the cold winter.

I kept running until I suddenly got bumped into a small stone and fell on the street.

"Ounch!" I winched in pain as I fell on the street.

Omar rushed to me and bend down to see if I was okay. Before I could do anything, he checked my legs to see if there was any injuries. When he found none, he sighed and looked at me.

His eyes were filled with anger and a little worry. "Idiot! What did I say about stop running?" He scolded.

I said nothing. It bothered me knowing that one moment he was angry and another moment he was worried. I just didn't understand him at all.

I stood upright and patted my jeans to brush the dust away. Omar stood near me.

"Yumna, stand straight now," Omar said as he looked at me.

I looked at him confusingly.


Now he was going to order me and scold me like a kid?

I noticed him walking around me and as he reached behind me, I felt a weight on my back.

I looked back to see what was happening and saw Omar wrapping my body with the long jacket that he was wearing a while ago.

I stared at Omar in shock. My mouth dropped open as I watched him looking at me confusingly.

"Close your mouth before you catch any nasty flies, Yumna," he said.

"Omar, you . . ." I said in shock as I looked at Omar. "Did Mr. Asshole just became kind to me?"

Omar frowned. "I prefer to be called as Omar."

"That's not the point, dummy!" I said. "Omar, you are an asshole, a jerk, a stupid freaking dummy! How can you be nice to me . . . I mean . . . Did you fell and hit your head or something . . . Or . . . Are you sick?" I kept rambling as I failed to notice that Omar was getting angrier. "I mean, you are our high school popular Mr. Bad boy . . ."

Omar didn't even let me finish my sentence. He used his fingers and flicked on my forehead, lightly.

"Hey!" I snapped. "What was that for, Mr. Bad boy?"

"You were being an idiot there," he stated.

I wanted to yell at him but he interrupted.

"What am I saying? You are already an idiot."

I stared at him in shock and angry.

"What did you say?!" I yelled.

"🎶 I only said the truth 🎶," Omar sang as he began to walk forward.


"Just why the heck do you always follow me and help me when you think of me as an idiot, huh?!" I yelled as he kept walking.

"Well, that's a wonderful secret I have there, don't I?" I heard him chuckling.

"A-huh!" I pointed at him. "So, you do admit that you are following me and is helping me, huh? Got you there, smartypants!"

And what Omar did in response to that made me shock.

Omar slightly tilted his head around and for the first time, he smiled, showing his nice dimples. "Maybe," I heard him answer as he turned his head back and kept walking.

I stood there, shocked. I couldn't move my feet.

Did the heartless cruel asshole just smiled?!

I couldn't believe what I just saw.

"Come on, Nerdypoo," I heard Omar saying as he kept walking. "Aren't you getting late?"

I slightly nodded and began to walk behind him. I was still in shock. It was the first time I ever saw Omar smiling and I didn't want to admit but I knew I wanted to see that smile again . . .


Assalamualikum and hello!

How are you?

Just did an update. I wanted to do a double update but I have exam in monday and today I have work so didn't got much time to write another chapter. But I will probably update again with in 24 hours for you guys!

Tell me how did you like this chapter.

Oh and definitely a huge thanks for supporting me. You guys are awesome and have a nice day!


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