Chapter 27: Finally Married

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Omar and I walked together, side by side as the guests watched us. As we reached in the stage, we climbed together and stood on the stage.

Emily ran to me first and hugged me. "Assalamualikum, my almost-sister-in-law."

I laughed as I hugged her back. "Walikum Assalam, Emily."

She pulled away from the hug and then looked at Omar. "So . . . ?"she had a smirk on her face as she looked at Omar. "My almost-sister is law looks pretty, isn't she?"

Omar raised his eyebrows. "She looks like a frog that just took shower in a dirty muddy water."

Emily and I gasped.

How could he be so rude?!

Emily elbowed him, causing him to winced in pain. "Jerk! Say the truth or else I will reveal all your secrets right now in front of all the guests."

"You wouldn't dare -"

Emily didn't even wait for his reply. She bounced on the stage and looked at the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I am sure all of you know how much of a cold hearted beast my brother is but does anybody want to know some of his most embarassing moments in his life?!" She called out as the audience cheered.

"Tell us!" the audience cheered.

Omar looked at Emily angrily but she just giggled and looked to the audience.

"Well, let talk about some fun facts about Omar! So here we go . . . !"she cheered as the audiences payed attention to her words.

"Fact number 1! Omar have been expelled from around 5 different schools so far! That's how much of a pain in the ass he was to the teachers," Emily said out loudly as the audience laughed and clapped.

"More!" The audience cheered.

"Emily, no . . ." Omar warned.

Emily ignored him. "Fact number 2! Omar pooped on his pants at school because he was too lazy to go to washroom!"

The audiences laughed.

Even I laughed. It was honestly hilarious.

"That's when I was in freaking grade 2!" Omar yelled.

Emily ignored him again. "Fact number 3! Omar wore diaper till he was 7 years old! His potty training was endless!"

The audiences laughed as Omar growled in anger.

"Enough Emily!" he yelled. "What are you gonna take to stop this nonsense?!"

Emily smirked. "Tell me what you first thought of Yumna when you saw her at school."

"I thought that she looked like a freaking butterfly!" He yelled.

A butterfly?

Omar thought of me as a butterfly?!

"Don't lie-"

"Kids!" Mrs. Chatti called out to grab both of the twins' attention.

She sighed.

"Honestly, kids," she looked at Omar and Emily. "We need to start on the wedding."

Emily stomped her feet angrily. "Fine," she said as she took her seat on one of the chair on the stage.

We began to walk towards our chairs as I kept thinking about what Omar said.

"A butterfly?" I whispered going near my chair.

As Omar took the seat beside me, I heard a faint whisper from his lips. "A beautiful butterfly . . ."

I gasped in shock as I turned to Omar and saw him looking away. His face held a tint of redness but he didn't met his eyes to me.

"Let's start the wedding," Mrs. Chatti said.

The officiant speaker nodded as she sat near us and took out some official papers.

"First, we are going to do the vow and then the official documents need to be signed for the marriage," the officiant speaker explained.

I saw Omar nodded but I was still confused. Omar's words were ringing on my head.

Omar called me a beautiful butterfly?

The officant speaker began to say the say the vow.  "I, Yumna Hamdi, offer you myself in marriage and in accordance with the instructions of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him. I pledge, in honesty and with sincerity, to be for you an obedient and faithful wife."

I was so lost at Omar's words that I didn't even follow the vow. I suddenly felt a light squeeze on my hand. I turned around and saw Omar nodding.

Oh right.

I had to reply.

"I accept," I whispered.

The officant speaker nodded and recited the next vow. "I pledge, in honesty and sincerity, to be for you a faithful and helpful husband."

"I accept," Omar said.

The whole audience clapped and cheered.

We sighed in the papers as the audience cheered more.

"Congratulation!" The officiant speaker smiled. "Yumna Humdi and Omar Chatti are now religiously and officially are now declared as husband and wife."

Emily ran to me and hugged me. "Congrats!" She laughed.

I smiled at her.

She turned to Omar and frowed. "I don't like you, Omar, but since you ar emy brother and you did a good job in marrying my BFF, I think I can give you a hug."

Omar raised his eye brow as Emily laughed and hugged him. I watched how Omar hugged her back and patted her head.

It was funny.

Omar and Emily were siblings and they always fought but in deep inside, they loved each other deeply. Being a single child, I never realized such feelings but seeing Omar and Emily made me wonder how pure and beautiful was siblings relationship.

Mash Allah.

Mr. Chatti came near me and pulled me in a hug. As we broke free from the hug, she cupped my cheeks and pressed a kiss on my forehead. "Welcome to our family, Yumna."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"I have another announcement," I heard another voice on the stage.

The audience looked at Mr. Chatti was was doing the announcement.

"We have arranged prayer mats for Isha salah. There is an imam with us today who will be performing the salah with us today," Mr. Chatti said.

The audiences clapped and cheered.

"We kindly ask our non - Muslim family friends to join the dinner and to enjoy the party. To my Muslim brothers and sisters, please go to the room to the left to perform the Salah with the imam. You can join the dinner right after the Salah," Mr. Chatti announced.

The audience clapped as we began to follow that Mr. Chatti announced.

Assalamualikum and hello!

How are you?

I am really sorry for the late update. I had exams and work. But I did a double update to makeup for it.

I wrote this in a rush so if you see errors, you have my deepest apologies. Omar and Yumna's love story soon going to start since now they are married and halal and soon much more secrets will reveal. Hope you guys are exceited for it.

I love you guys and please keep supporting me like this and comment please because reading your comments makes my day!

Have a nice day and thanks a lot!


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