Chapter 41: Continuing Our Date

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We kept roaming on the wonderland. The entire time, Omar didn't let go of my hand. We roamed around for a bit and Omar did talked, but I wasn't listening. My mind was focused on how our hands fit so perfectly. I couldn't help but to feel happy.

"So, where do you want to have lunch?" Omar asked.

I looked around. "I don't know," I said, until my eyes fell on the cotton candy shop that was a few blocks away from where we were standing.

I was excited. I always loved cotton candy. It was cheap and yummy.

"Omar," I tug his hand as he looked at me. "Let's eat cotton candy!"

Omar looked at me as if I was crazy. "Cotton candy for lunch?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes! Let's go!" I laughed as I held his hands tighter and dragged him towards the cotton candy shop.

I ran there with dragging Omar and reached the shop. I looked at the shop keeper and said, "Two cotton candy, please!"

The shop keeper nodded and made the first cotton candy with the stick. He gave me the cotton candy and I held it to Omar.

"Try it! Cotton candy are the best food!" I said, handing him the cotton candy.

I took the next cotton candy and opened my mouth and took a big bite on the cotton candy.

"Yummy!" I laughed as I took some more bite.

I looked at Omar and noticed him looking at me, amusingly.

"What? Eat it!" I told him.

Omar smirked. "More than eating, I think I will love to do this," he said and used his hand to scoop out some cotton candy and dumped it on my head.

I looked at Omar in shock and anger. "You idiot!"

"Now, your hair is all pink!" Omar laughed, rubbing his hand on my hair.

I gasped in anger.

How dare he?!

I took some more cotton candy from mine and stood on my tip toe to reach his head to dump it but he stood on his tip toe and became taller so I couldn't reach him.

I jumped to reach his head but he laughed. "You are still smaller than me, shortie!"

My cheeks turned red with anger. "I am not! I am just one inch shorter than you."

Omar laughed as I kept trying to reach his hair but struggled. Then I looked at his face and smirked. I took the entire cotton candy off mine and rubbed on his face.

Omar gasped as I did so. "You little brat!" Omar yelled as he took all of the remaining cotton candy and dumped it on my hair and rubbed it.

We kept on fighting and making each other sticky until we heard a caughing sound.

We looked at the shop keeper who coughed. "Sorry to interrupt but my money . . . ?"

Omar and I pulled away from each other and blushed a little. Omar whipped his face to get the cotton candle out of there.

"Sorry about it," I said and took out my purse. "How much was it?"

"$10 together," the shop keeper said.

Omar took out the cash.

"You are not paying!" I said.

Omar raised his eyebrows. "Why not? Boys usually pay for date."

"But, you can't!" I sighed. "That is not gender equality!"

Omar sighed. "I am not arguing about this, Yumna."

"Okay, I pay $5 and you pay your $5," I said.


I nodded. I took out my cash and gave it to the shop keeper. Omar did the same.

Turning my head around, I saw an ice cream shop.

My eyes wided in excitement. "Omar! Ice cream!"

Omar looked at me and sighed. "Not again!"

"Come on!" I said and began to drag his hand.

"Who eats ice cream for lunch?" Omar asked.

I didn't listen. I pulled him to the ice cream shop. We ate ice cream there and then we hopped onto the hot dog shop where they were selling halal hot dogs. We ate hot dogs for the lunch and spend hours arguing and laughing with each other.

As much as I thought this date would turn bad, it didn't. The date want pretty smooth and I didn't want to admit, but I was enjoying these meaningless arguments with Omar.

We noticed the sun setting. The sky was getting darker.

"You think we should head back home?" Omar asked, still holding my hand as we kept walking towards the exit of the wonderland.

I nodded as I looked at the sky. "It's getting darker. I hope it doesn't rain," I said as I looked at the sky and noticed how it was getting cloudy.

"Don't say that, woman," Omar sighed as we walked out of the exit of the wonderland gate.

I looked at Omar, confusingly. "Didn't you brought your car?"

"I brought my bike," he stated.

My mouth dropped open. "What?!"

Why the heck did this idiot brought his bike?!

I never rode in bike so I didn't even knew how to ride in bike. Moreover, if if we fall?

I began to think all these stuff as we reached to the parking lot and near his bike.

Omar took the helmet from his bike and put it on his head. He held one to me, but I didn't took it.


"Can I go in bus?" I asked.

Omar raised his eye brow. "Do you even know which way or which bus to grab to go home?"

I shook my head.

Omar sighed. "Come on, it won't be that bad."

I frowned and took the helmet from his hand.

It was easy for him to say, but I was freaking out inside.

Omar got on the bike and started the bike. "Get on, Yumna."

I hesitated at first but once again, it wasn't like I knew how to get back. I sighed and sat on the bike on facing Omar's back.

I was scared and after all the rides, I wasn't liking speed anymore.

"Hold on tight, wifey," I heard him chuckled.

I smacked his head. "Shut up!" I groaned as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

My heart began to race as I felt his body closer to mine.

"Tighter," he whispered.

I bit my lips, nervously, and tightened my hold and pressed my face on his back.

"Nervous?" Omar asked, softly.

"Very," I whispered.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

I could feel my cheeks turning red. His voice felt so deep when he asked me such question. Nodding slowly, I whispered, "With my life."

Omar didn't reply back but I could hear him grinning. Starting the bike once again, he began to drive as I held against him, tight.


Assalamualikum and hello!

How are you?

How are you liking the date so far? I hoped you enjoyed.

I just finished with one of my exams yesterday so I have still another one in this Wednesday. I will try to have regular update till that day. Thanks a lot, guys and please keep on supporting me.

Have a nice day!


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