Chapter 30: The Nightmare

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". . . No . . ." I heard a faint voice.

I opened my eyes and noticed that I was lying on the bed and was covered with cotton and feathers.

I quickly sat upright and tried to remember what happened before I fell asleep.

Today was Omar and my wedding night but we had a pillow fight. The last thing I remembered before falling asleep was that Omar and I were lying on the bed and were still throwing pillows at each other.

I sighed.

I couldn't believe I fell asleep on Omar's bed. That too . . .

I gasped in realization. I fell asleep beside Omar?!

I fell asleep beside a nasty boy?!

I began to shake my night gown to let the cottons and feathers out of my dress and looked around and tried to find Omar.

The whole room was dark. Maybe, the candles ran out. I used my hands to search for Omar in the bed. It was dark and I couldn't see a thing!

" . . . No . . . Please no . . ." I heard a voice.

"Who is it?" I said as my hands roamed on the bed, until I felt a body on the bed. "Omar?"

" . . . Leave Emily alone . . ." I heard a panicking voice.

My hands touched his back and I felt him shaking. He was breathing heavily. Was he having a nightmare?

I didn't know what to do. There was no light. I didn't even know what time it was.

Maybe, if I could search for Omar's phone on the bed, I can turn on the torch.

I searched for his phone and found it on a corner. I quickly turned on the phone.

It was 1:00 am.

I turned on the torch and put it on the bed. My eyes landed on Omar.

I was shocked. I never saw Omar like this.

Omar was lying on the bed, shaking and breathing heavily. Tears were rolling down his eyes.

" . . . Please . . . Somebody save my grandma . . ." I heard him cry in his sleep.

Omar was definitely having a nightmare. But that wasn't the only thing. He was moving his arms and crying. He was having a panic attack.

I shook his body. "Omar?"

I knew that I hated Omar but I couldn't see him suffering like this. It was breaking my heart as I saw him so vulnerable.

"Omar," I shake his body again.

Omar didn't wake up. But this time, he was panicking and crying out loud. "Grandma! . . . No please! . . . Emily . . . No! Please don't go . . ."

"Omar!" I tried again to wake him.

"Please don't hurt Emily . . ." Omar cried.

I leaned near Omar and cupped his cheeks. "Omar, wake up," I said as I lightly slapped his cheeks but he didn't wake up.

"No! Not Yumna!" Omar cried. "Don't hurt, Yumna. Please . . . Don't . . ." Omar cried.

I was shocked. Omar was having a nightmare? About me?

" . . . No! Don't fucking shoot her!" Omar yelled. "Yumna . . . !" He gasped as he shut open his eyes, breathing hard.

"Omar," I said as I cupped his cheeks. "It was a nightmare. That's it . . ."

"Yumna . . ." Omar interrupted as he pulled me to him and put his arms around me, hugging me.

I was too shocked to react but Omar's arms were secured around my body. He had no intention of letting me go.

"Oh thank God, you are okay, Yumna," Omar said, weakly.

I put my arms around him and rubbed his back to try to calm him down. It was my first time seeing Mr. Cruel Beast Bad Boy so vulnerable. It was hard to believe Omar had a side like this

Omar hugged me and nuzzled his head on my neck. His hands were holding me tight and secured. "Yumna . . . You are okay . . ." He breathed.

His warmth breath was making me shiver. Having his head in my neck was something that definitely made me nervous. A part of me wanted to push Omar away and a part of me wanted to embrace him. But seeing him in such condition, I chose the second thought that was running in my brain.

I hugged Omar. "It was just a nightmare, Omar," I whispered, trying to calm him.

"I saw . . ." Omar whispered. "Emily got shot . . . And . . . And . . ."

"Omar, it's okay," I rubbed his back.

"I saw you, Yumna. You were lying on the hospital bed with blood . . ." I felt wetness on my neck.

Was Omar crying?

I didn't know why I was having this feeling but my heart was breaking as I was watching him break down in front of me.

I knew Omar was a jerk.

He was an idiot.

But seeing him breaking down in tears . . . Waking up from nightmares . . . It felt like my heart was ripping apart.

"Omar, breathe," I said as I pulled away from the hug and cupped his cheeks.

Maybe this looked mushy, but forget that!

I needed to calm Omar before he had his panic attack again.

Omar looked at me with his vulnerable eyes. It was the first time I have seen emotions in Omar's face and unfortunately, the first emotion I saw in his face was sadness.

"Omar, it's okay," I whispered. My fingers cupping his cheeks and my face closed to him.

"You are okay," Omar said as he cupped my face.

I nodded. "Everything is okay, Omar," I said brushing my hands on his hair. "It's was just a nightmare."

Omar's breathing slowed down and it began to turn normal. He was calming down.

"You want water?" I asked.

He didn't reply.

I sighed. "Let me grab you water-"

"No!" He panicked as he pulled me in a hug. "Don't leave me. Please, don't leave me, Yumna. Don't leave me like how grandma did."

Grandma? Omar's grandma? I knew when Omar's grandma left him, he was very small and had emotional breakdown but what so tragic happened that he still couldn't forget.

I felt Omar hugging me tight. I sighed. My body began to relax in the hug. "Omar," I rubbed his back. "I am right here, with you. I am not leaving you," I whispered.

I didn't know where I got the guts to say such thing but my mind was focused on how to calm Omar.

Omar wasn't himself and I couldn't bear to see him like that.

I felt Omar relaxing. He didn't let go of the hug though. Slowly, Omar began to fall asleep, embracing me. I didn't move or pushed him away. I was too tired, too sleepy and not to mention . . . Omar's embrace somehow seamed extremely comfortable. I didn't know how or when but my eye lids began to close.

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