Chapter 8: Emily's Twin Brother?

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I swear life hated me!

I could just tell!

How in the freaking hell did I got paired up with this jerk?!

I looked at Omar and saw him looking pissed.

"This little vermon?" Omar raised his eyebrow. "Will be my partner?"

Ms. Henry smiled. "Of course, you two look good together."

"WE DO NOT!" Omar and I both yelled pointing at each other.

"She is a freaking nerd!" Omar yelled pointing at me.

"Well, he is a freaking asshole!" I yelled pointing at him.

"Don't you dare! Have you ever look at your self? You eyes look like monkeys' eyes!" he yelled making me gasped at him in shock. "And your hair! Gosh! It looks like the Santa's beard!"

"How dare you?!  You stupid bad boy!" I yelled. "Maybe you should look at yourself better. Your nose is like pigs' nose! And your neck is as tall as giraffes'!"

"Maybe it is because I am tall," he smirked, standing in his toes to look taller. "Are you jealous, Ms. Nerdypoo?"

"Jealous, my ass!" I yelled.

"Oh, I think I like your ass," he blurted out, making all the students laugh.

My cheeks turned red as I was about the throw a punch at him when Ms. Henry put his arms around both of us, pulling us closer.

"Now, now," she said. "Don't act like spoil children. Both of you are mature enough."

"I don't want her as my partner," Omar said.

"Like I want you as my partner!" I yelled.

"See! I knew it," Ms. Henry clapped her hands.

Omar and I looked at her confusingly. "Knew what?" We asked.

"You guys are perfect for each other!" She smiled. "You guys are already having your first lovers quarrel. This is so romantic!"

Lovers quarrel?!

"We are not lovers!" I yelled.

"Aww, don't worry, sweetie," she smiled. "Denial is the first symptom of love."

Omar and I looked at each other, disgustingly.

"Now, let's all get back to work," she said.

She walked towards the rest of the class to tell them their assigned roles, leaving Omar and me behind.

"Jeez, I know she is an old lady," Omar rubbed his neck. "But, shouldn't she be a little careful with her words? She is a teacher after all."

I glared at Omar.

Like he was the one to talk.

The bell rang. All the students gathered their books to leave the class to go to the cafeteria to eat their lunch. It was lunch time now.

I went near my table and picked my books. I looked at Emily and noticed her trying to control her laughter.

"Yeah, yeah, keep laughing," I sighed, holding the books on my arms.

She laughed as she got off her seat. "I am so sorry but it was darn funny," she laughed. "Honestly, you two were like kids."

I was pissed. I knew partnering with Omar was the worst decision ever.

Emily and I began to walk towards the cafeteria.

Suddenly, Emily's phone rang. She picked her phone as we walked towards the cafeteria.

"Assalamualikum mom," she said, holding her smart phone on her ear.

We walked towards the cafeteria as I looked around the hallway.

"What? Seriously?" She sighed. "Alright, mom. I am going to come to the parking lot to pick his lunch, alright . . . Yeah, okay. Love you."

She took her phone away from her ear and sighed.

"Any problem?" I asked her.

"Remember, I told you about my twin brother?" she asked me as I nodded. "Apprently, he worked late and then didn't even eat breakfast and left home. Mom is worried about his health so she came from her work to drop his lunch to school today."

"He is in this school?" I asked her. I don't think I had seen anybody looking exactly like Emily.

"He is," she smiled. "But we got like different faces. I look more like mom and he looks more like dad. Our personalities are different too. Like, he is hot headed, always yelling, violent, dumb and stupid . . ."

I laughed.

"But he is a good man," she said. "He just doesn't know how to show his feelings for the people he cares."

I smiled. "He sounds like a good man to me. Your parents must be proud of him."

"They are," she beamed. "He is really sweet sometimes. One time I had fever and mom and dad were in business trip. He stayed wake all night and took care of me."

My heart melted inside. Such beautiful bonds they shared. I wondered who was her brother. She described him as a jerk but he sounded like a sweet person.

"Can I meet him one day?" I asked. "He seems like a caring brother."

"But you have already met him-" she paused and bite her lips as if she had spilled something that she shouldn't had said.

I looked at her confusingly. "I met your brother? When?"

"I . . ." she seemed tensed as she looked to hands and looked at her watch. She gasped and looked at me. "I have to pick his lunch. Mom is in the parking lot. I will meet you in the cafeteria?"

I nodded. I waved my hand at her and she began to run. "Bye."

She waved back and dashed out of the school hallway.

I sighed. I began to walk towards the cafeteria, thinking what we just talked about.

Emily had a twin brother.

That too, in this school.

And when I asked her about it, she said I had met her brother already. However, because they are fraternal twins, which was why I couldn't recognize her brother.

But who was he? Was he somebody who I already know?

I mean, I was new to the school. I knew nobody except her, the asshole and a few teachers. In between such few people I knew, I dought I had met her brother. But she said otherwise.

I was so concentrated with my thoughts that I didn't realize I was reaching near the staircase. Without looking, I stepped on the air, near the edge of the staircase, and stumbled and felt myself falling down the stairs.

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