Chapter 19: The Measurements

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"Would you stand straight for one second, ma'am?!" The tailor almost yelled because of how I kept wiggling.

I couldn't help it.

I was ticklish everywhere and when the tailor was taking my measurements, my body just began to wiggle.

I noticed her sighing. "Please ma'am, stand straight," she said.

I nodded and tried to stand straight once again as as I felt ticklish on my back as she was taking the measurement in my back. I bit my lip to stop laughing and tried not to move an inch.

"Mrs. Chatti is going to fire me if I don't get your measurements right for your wedding gown," she said as she wrote down the measurements.

I looked at her confusingly. "Mrs. Chatti will fire you?"

"Yes," she answered as she took some more measurements. "I am a personal tailor of the Chatti family. All the gowns, party dresses, or engagement dresses are made from me for the Chatti family. Actually, you see, it is hard to find a modest dress that doesn't show any parts of skin when you buy it in a mall. Therefore, I custom made all the dresses for Chatti's family so it is modest and wouldn't show any skin."

I nodded as she finished taking the measurements. What the tailor said made sense. Maybe because of that, all the Chatti members' dresses were so modest and beautiful because all dresses were custom made.

We heard a knock in the dressing room.

"Come in," the tailor said as I put on my cardigan.

We saw Emily coming in the dressing room with her phone, still taking her selfies.

"Done?" She asked not moving her hands away from her phone.

"Yes," I answered.

"Maliha, mom will talk to you about the gown design," Emily said, finally taking her phone down and looked at the tailor. "Actually dad just went for a small business trip to Japan. So, mom will be contacting you about all the details for the wedding outfits."

The tailor nodded. "Of course, Emily. That's totally fine with me."

"Alright, see you later," Emily said.

I went near her and we began to leave before saying, "Assalamualikum."

"Walikum Assalam," she said.

We left the tailor's shop and I walked with Emily as I saw her going towards the parking lot.

I was confused.

Where was she taking me?

"Girl," I tugged her bag so she would look at me. "Where are we going?"

She smiled. "Mom wants you to visit home."

My eyes wided. She wanted me to go to Chatti's mansion?


I looked at the sky. It was getting dark outside. I couldn't stay more late than now.

Emily dragged me near the car in the parking lot. "Come on, Yumna. It's going to be fun. I will show you photos of Omar wearing a skirt," she winked at me.

My mouth open in shock. "Omar used to wear a skirt?" I asked, almost laughing.

She laughed as well. "When we are small and I would stay hospital most of the days, therefore, mom and dad would put a skirt on Omar to make him look like me."

I couldn't stop laughing. It was hilarious.

We reached near Emily's car as we talked more about the silly things.

"Hop on, Yumna," she smiled as she opened the car door for me.

I sighed. "Emily . . . I can't . . ."

She didn't even know what would happen to me if I reached home late.

"Please," she said. "Mom is making chocolate chip cookies."

My eyes wided. "Chocolate chip cookies?" I asked in excitement.

I didn't even remembered the last time I eat then but it was always my favourite.

She giggled. "You are still like a kid, Yumna."

I raided my eyes brow.

"You used to love chocolate chip cookies when we were small. I remember one day, Omar stole your chocolate chip cookies and you didn't talk to him for days. Finally that idiot held his ears and said, 'sorry,' to you."

I couldn't believe my ears.

Omar did that?

When we are small?

I didn't know what it was in my heart but my heart melted. I knew I hated him. I knew that I didn't even remember anything from my childhood but hearing such things from Emily made me wonder much much close Omar and I was.

"Plus, you will be late for Magrib prayer," she reasoned. "Come to our house. I will drive there so we won't be late for magrib prayer. We can even pray together when we go home."

I sighed.

I knew she was right. We couldn't miss prayers.

I nodded as she smiled. She motioned me to get in the car and I did.

I got in the car and closed the car door. I put on my seat belt. Emily did the same. She got onto the car and began to drive.

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