Chapter 28: Saying Goodbye

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"Alright, Yumna," grandma said as she kissed my forehead and hugged me. "Take care."

I pulled away from grandma and looked at her. Tears were rolling down my eyes. I knew she was going to leave me in the Chatti mansion to live here but she was going back alone with uncle to uncle's house.

Was she even going to be alright?

Grandma whipped my tears away. "I think my baby looks best when she smiles," she said.

"Grandma," I held her hand. "Can't you stay here with me? In this house?"

Grandma laughed. "Silly girl," she said. "You know I can't live here, Yumna. This is not my house."

"But, what if uncle hurts you -"

"He won't," she said, put her arms around mine. "He won't do it, Yumna. When Radi took over the property, he got all the money and profits out if it but there was only one condition. He must keep me in his house or else, he will be going against law and can get arrested."

I nodded in understanding.

We saw all the guests leaving the house. Grandma looked at me once again and smiled. "Take care, love."

I nodded. "You too, grandma."

Grandma smiled and then as she looked at behind me, she smile. "Omar!" She laughed.

I turned around and saw Omar. I didn't even realize when he came behind me.

Omar looked at grandma and gave her a nod. "Take care, grandma."

Grandma nodded and put her hand on his cheek. "I will pray to Allah ( S.W.T.) for you and Yumna's happiness. Take care of Yumna for me, Omar."

Omar nodded and then held her hand. "Grandma, you know I respect you a lot, right? You are just like my own grandma -" he paused.

I looked at Omar and saw his face turned gloomy.

Grandma ruffled his hair and smiled. "Don't be sad, Omar. I know she is not with us anymore but . . . She is alive in our heart, right?" Grandma caressed his cheeks as he nodded.

Omar closed his eyes and then opened his eyes again. "I want to forget what happen that day, grandma. I don't want to remember . . ." his voice was horus.

I stared at Omar. Even though his eyes looked cold and his face held no emotions, I could sense pain in his voice.

Grandma nodded.

The guests left and it was just grandma, me, uncle and Chatti family.

"We have to go back to our house," we heard uncle say as he was ready to leave the house.

Grandma nodded and looked at Omar and then at me. She took our hands and put it together. I felt a little tingle as my hand touched Omar's.

"I wish you a very happy married life ahead. Insha Allah, you guys will have a long happy life together," grandma smiled and then hugged us both.

We put our arms around her and then pulled away. Grandma loooked at Mrs. and Mr. Chatti and then Emily. She smiled, "Assalamualikum."

"Walikum Assalam," the Chattis' said.

Grandma turned around and left the house. Uncle did the same. It was just the Chatti family and me there. I sighed as I looked down to my hand and noticed Omar still holding my hand. I looked at Omar confusingly. I thought he was holding my hand for the sake of grandma but now . . .

I didn't understand Omar.

His words and actions never made any any sense.

Mrs. Chatti came near me and smiled. "So, since tomorrow you guys have school, we should sleep early, right?"

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