Chapter 60: Epilogue

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The police arrested uncle and aunt. I turned my head back and saw Omar, holding his arm with his other hand as it was bleeding. The police entered the house and took Leo out of the house. He was still alive.

Mom hugged Omar and I watched silently as how she talked to Omar and caressed his wound.

Dad came to me and hugged me. But between this time, none of me or Omar took our eyes off from each other.

I didn't know about Omar, but I was way too shocked to even react and seeing him in such conditions, it was breaking my heart.

I just wanted to hug Omar and cry in his chest. I just wanted his wound to heal. I couldn't believe he got shot and it happened all because of me.

Dad and mom seemed to notice our uneasiness and took unconscious Emily and grandma and began to walk out.

"The ambulance will be here soon," we heard the head police saying as everybody walked out of the room, leaving Omar and me alone there.

The air seemed to stop between as I watched Omar. My eyes were getting watery as I watched him spreading his arms.

I ran towards him and within a few minutes, I jumped to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Tears rolled down my eyes as I sobbed harder. Omar hugged me tighter and patted my back.

"Shhh . . ." I heard him whisper.

"I was so scared," I sobbed on his chest.

Omar pulled me away from the hug and cupped my cheeks as I kept sobbing. I felt him kissing my tears away.

"I am so sorry," I sobbed as I looked at him. Tears rolled down my eyes as I looked at his worried, yet beautiful eyes. "It's all my fault. Leo wanted me and . . . Aunt and uncle . . ." I didn't even get to say more because my lips were sealed against his.

I felt my body melting in his kiss. Tears rolled down more as I felt him kissing me deeper and rougher. It was a rough yet tender kiss. The kiss that makes you believe how much you mean to your other half.

Pulling away from the kiss, he whipped my tears with his thumb. "Nothing is your fault," he whispered. "Everything is okay now."

I nodded as he kissed my nose. "I am so glad," I whispered.

Omar nodded and then held me close to his arms. Our face was closer. I could feel his warm hot breath against mine. He tugged a hair strand behind my ear and smiled, "Hey Yumna?"

I looked at Omar as I stand on my tiptoe to meet his height and caressed his cheeks.

"I didn't get to see this but . . ." He paused as he leaned closer to my lips. "Happy birthday, beautiful," he whispered as he pressed a soft tender kiss on my cheek.

It felt like my heart was exploding with sparks. It was a simple kiss on my cheeks but he just knew how to make me feel good and wanted.

I looked at Omar and smiled. My fingers curled on the lock of his hair. My lips leaned closer to his.

"Don't I get a kiss to be the first person to wish you 'Happy Birthday?'" Omar asked, playfully.

I laughed as I felt him putting his arms around my legs and pulling me up to meet his height.

"Come on," he pouted. "One kiss?"

I laughed as I put my arms around his neck. Then as we leaned closer, I press a light kiss on his lips and pulled away, making Omar frown.

"What the-?" He asked, annoyingly.

I held my laughter to tease him a little more. "I thought you wanted one kiss," I said.

"That was not even a kiss! It was like a peek on lips," he frowned. "I demand a repeat."

"Is that so, Mr. Chatti?" I chuckled as I leaned closer to his lips again. "Hope you don't regret it this time."

I planned to tease again, as I press my lips on his lightly, however, Omar captured my lips and kiss me harder and stronger.

"Not this time, love," he whispered between his soft warm hot kisses. "Yumna Chatti, you are one single masterpiece that belongs to me only."

I panted as I pulled away from the kiss but he kissed me again. And this time, much rougher.


What did Omar have to be so hot?!

Omar cupped my cheeks and then looked at me as he pulled away from the kiss a little.

"I love you, my sweet Yumna," he whispered.

I couldn't believe what he just said. Omar loved me. I couldn't stop but to whispered out, "I love you too, Omar."

Omar smiled and then pulled me back to kiss me.


How many times did we kiss today?

But, I just can't get enough of him.

We kissed again.


I pulled away from the kiss, finding my lips sore and panting. I looked at Omar and noticed him smirking. My face was red as he chuckled, I blushed harder.

"Mrs. Chatti," he whispered as he pressed his forehead against mine. "What am I ever going to do with you?"

"Maybe keep me with you for eternity?" I whispered.

"Sounds good to me," Omar whispered back as he pressed another warm kiss on my forehead.


Assalamualikum and hello!

How are you?

Extremely sorry for not updating for sooo long. I honestly hate my university right now. I have a few orientations which mean like meetings with other professors and working in science laboratories and guys, if any of you are going to biology and chemistry field then let me tell you that it is not as much fun as when you were in high school. It is way too complicate and well . . . Dump and stupid because the chemical formulas are too hard to remember sometimes. Anyway, what I mean to say is that by the time I come home, I get so tired to even write something. That's why I couldn't update for so long.

This is the last chapter of the book. I honestly wanted to write more but because I am so busy so probably thinking of doing a sequel to this book. Like, maybe in Summer or let's say when I get time.

Sorry about the delay. I probably won't be working on any books for a while. Just because . . . Well . . . Let's say SCIENCE LAB SUCKS! AND MAKES ME WHOLE LOT OF TIRED!

Sorry for the rant, guys. Anyway, hope to see you soon. And I love you guys.

You guys have been so nice to me and I even received a lot of pm and messages. And I love you, guys. I probably wouldn't be even able to finish this book without your support so thank you so much. You guys mean so much to me.

Let me know how you enjoy or didn't enjoy the journey of Yumna and Omar.

Take care, guys and have a nice day!


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