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"Wakey, wakey!" Willow exclaimed, Jonathan jolted upright and slowly turned to narrow his eyes at her. She grinned and waved at him. "Hello! Good morning."

"You seem well."

Pouting, Willow crossed her arms. "Yes, the wonders of sleeping. Speaking of, you fell asleep against your desk, again. That's seriously not comfy, right?"

"Willow, remember the last time I decided to try and do work in bed? You kicked the books off of the bed like a wriggling child."

"I do like to wriggle when I'm asleep." Willow mused.

Jonathan rolled his eyes. "That's not really what I was getting at. I was more aiming to state that it's impossible to do work in bed when you insist on kicking things off of the bed. Things which prove useful to me."

"Right." Willow clicked her fingers. "We'll cram some bedding in here for you. So then if you feel the need to sleep, you can just whip out a pillow."

Jonathan shook his head slowly and pinched the bridge of his nose. Letting out a sigh he looked up at her. "Can we try this again? Good morning, Willow."

"Good morning, Jonathan. How are you?"

"Well. You?"

"Hungry," with that said Willow turned and shuffled off in a desperate act to find food. Jonathan sat in silence until a slamming sound echoed throughout the apartment. Even from the work room he could hear Willow ranting about not having food. He didn't have the heart to say it was usually her task to food shop. He obviously couldn't go out in the day and do normal things, like shop for groceries.

Hearing the phone ring, he perked up and pushed himself away from the desk. "Hello?!" Willow beat him to it. He stood behind her looking and watching as her body language changed from laid back to tensed in a matter of seconds.

Jonathan leaned forward and took the phone from her hand. Putting his other hand over the receiver he smiled at her. "Why don't you get ready and go out for some air? Take Mr Lecter with you." Willow nodded quickly and darted off to get ready.

"All right, we have to seriously talk about this. I do not like you phoning this apartment."

"You very defensive man." Jonathan rolled his eyes. Naturally he wasn't defensive. He just didn't take too kindly to something flipping Willow out that quickly. He'd only seen her turn silent through something happening only a few times. This phone call was one of those things. It seemed like she highly disliked talking to men of the mob. Let alone a leader of one.

"What is it you want?" Jonathan questioned and looked over his shoulder when Willow quickly patted him. She had swiftly changed into a comfortable pair of black jeans, the usual scuffed up boots, and a baggy Pink Floyd t-shirt. In her hand was Hannibal's leash, the husky was eagerly looking from her to him and then back again.

Willow nodded towards the door. "I won't be long." She whispered. Jonathan nodded and zoned out of what the Chechen was saying over the other end of the phone. Perhaps not a wise move, but what could he possibly do? Send people to try and teach him respect? Unlikely. That suggestion was ridiculous and unlikely. Tiptoeing up Willow quickly kissed him and walked quickly out of the door.

"So...wait, what?! Meeting?"

"That problem, yes? Or no?" Jonathan frowned. "You have stuff which we can sell, yes? You used it on Mr Spencer."

"Ah, dear Mr Spencer. How is he?"

"He regrettably had to leave us." Getting the blatant hint Jonathan didn't push this anymore.

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