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"There was once an old lady who lived here. She was old, and mean, and horrible. With her lived a young boy. He was sweet, odd and...odd, but sweet. They were related you see. Down the road a new family moved in. A man and a woman had adopted a child from a broken family. She was odd, sarcastic and highly childish for her age. You see, little did the boy know that he and the girl would become very close. The girl on the other hand had full knowledge of this, she was one for scheming." At this Willow sighed and walked down the long corridor. Looking out of the large window which was cracked and dirty from years of obvious neglect. Narrowing her eyes at what remained of the dark small building outside she crossed her arms. "The old lady wasn't happy. I think she had possession problems. The girl was taking away her boy, but you know Noodle, really he was never hers. Through all purposes it appeared it, but no. She was mean and punished him for anything, she'd hit him, lock him away, shut him in with the birds." Willow's eyes narrowed as she moved on again, her footsteps echoed softly. "The boy had had enough of it, being bullied at school is normal, I fear for anyone who dares to bully you, child, I really do. But being bullied at home too? It was too much, somethings had to change. In some ways some doctor's believed this is what made the boy snap, but he was always a little unhinged the bullying aided to it. So you know what?" She sat down on the top stair and leaned back on her hands. Looking up at the ceiling she yawned. "It is a bad day when the bullied fight back against the bullies. It is also quite liberating. Only this liberation ended in two deaths and many injured. The girl witnessed this all and was confused, she understood it, suppressed it, but accepted it. They drifted apart then and didn't see each other till many years later...and you see, Noodle. That is how I met your father, and equally how he met me, I'll explain the ins and outs of you coming to be when you're older. I don't want to mentally scar you even before you're here." Willow tapped her chin thoughtfully. "But then again...I did just mention death...and murder...and injuries, hm." Scratching her head she shut her eyes.

She had had enough of being locked away in her old family home. She was sitting in Jonathan's grandmother's house, although technically it was Jonathan's. He naturally didn't want to register its existence, not that she blamed him. "You know, Noodle, for two people who come from broken homes, I think we're gonna try and do good with bringing you up. Heck, if I managed to look after Jonathan when he got beaten up, I'm sure I can deal with you...not that I'm saying you're going to get into fights...but then, if you have my mouth then yes you probably will." Giving an unamused 'hmph' she leaned forward. "I am sorry, Noodle. But from the way my kidneys feel, I think it's safe to say you have inherited my skill of kicking." Giving a light giggle she patted her stomach. "Give 'em hell, kiddo." Slapping a hand to her forehead she sighed. "I'm not meant to encourage fighting! This is bad..." awkwardly pushing herself to stand she continued to shuffle around. She actually forgot how large this place was. Truth be told she had never been given the full tour, so now that the place was void of life she was exploring. "I broke my ankle over there," she pointed to the dumbwaiter. "It was painful, we were escaping from Batman. Oh, do I even dare to tell you about him? Perhaps not..." Willow looked to the door and shuffled towards it. "Batman is a good guy, albeit...blunt and void of humour. His alias who I shall not tell you about though is odd, like...he is a very good actor, he deserves an Oscar or somethin'." Shutting the door behind her she walked down the path and towards the iron gate.

When she reappeared back home she smiled and waved. Sue and Kevin were still watching something on the television. Sitting down in the chair she hugged onto a cushion. It was odd. Life here was so mundane, looking to the ceiling Willow couldn't help but think of the chaos of the city. There were about a million and one things which she could be doing. Or not doing, she did slack now and again although she always denied that.

Willow yawned again. Over the last two days she had been here she did nothing but yawn. Being tired was normal, she swore being this tired wasn't. Giving a fidget she stood, "I...I don't feel too good..." upon hearing this Sue leaped up as Willow awkwardly tried to walk off her 'odd' feeling. Only her walking lasted two steps before she collapsed to the floor.

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