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"What happened to the man?" Jonathan asked while frowning and pushing his damp hair out of his face. Willow sat up from the bed and looked at him.

"I kicked him out of our little home and into the street, then from there I booted him down the manhole."

"You fed him to Waylon?"


"He's going to be grateful to you." Jonathan shook his head.


Jonathan sat down in front of her and looked up at her from the floor. "The man was still high and suffering. The toxins are still working in his system, and Waylon just ate him. Which means he's ingested the toxins too."

Willow's expression went blank and she paled slightly. "Oops."

"Oops indeed."

"Oh!" She jumped and waved her hands.



"Excuse me?"

"For you!" She pointed at him.

"You hold a grudge for a long time."

"A whole year is not a long time." Willow pouted and crossed her arms. "Hell have no fury like a woman scorn. He almost took you away from me, as revenge I feed him poisoned food." Willow grinned slowly.

"Stop smiling like that please."


"Please stop, it's disturbing." Jonathan frowned. Willow sighed and rubbed her cheeks from where they ached from the grinning. Looking up she smiled, Jonathan stopped flicking a piece of his hair out of his face and slowly looked at her. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You need a hair cut."

"No, I don't."

"You do."

"Get away from me, I do not trust you with scissors." Jonathan watched as she pottered around the room trying to find a pair of scissors.

"But I did a good job last time." She reasoned from the desk. Jonathan looked at her blankly while she jumped up and over the bed and knelt behind him. He didn't bother trying to say anything to deter her, it would be pointless. She wouldn't listen and she'd just continue to do whatever she wanted.

Willow idly ran her fingers through his hair and snipped with the scissors now and again. It was peacefully quiet, apart from the odd banging from the cell rooms below. Frowning when his hair got suddenly ruffled a little too much, Jonathan looked over his shoulder at her.

She smiled, "You're done." She patted him on the head and wriggled off of the bed to put the scissors back. "And may I just say how much better it is. I can see your eyes again! They were vanishing behind your hair. It's bad enough they're hiding behind your glasses, I can't contend with a fringe."

Jonathan looked at her oddly. "You're having a moment...over my hair and eyes? That is a new one, even for you." Jonathan said while watching Willow sit back down next to him. She leaned her head against his shoulder and shut his eyes.

"Are you going back to work?"

"Yes." Jonathan answered simply, he was about to stand up and walk off it only Willow didn't latch onto him. Tugging or attempting to, he couldn't get his arm free. Willow was not going to let him go.


Waking up slowly Jonathan opened his eyes and looked down at Willow, she was huddled close to him fast asleep. Letting out a quiet yawn he pulled the cover more around her while sitting up and grabbing the first item of clothing which belonged to him off of the floor. From not wanting to let go of his arm last night, things perhaps may have got a little carried away.

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