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Standing in a DIY store, Willow looked around. For obvious reasons Jonathan couldn't be here. He'd get spotted and turned over to the police as soon as he walked through the door. Willow was on a mission, she had to try and find everything they needed for the clinic. Or what was left of the former clinic which they'd just moved into. She had no money, needless to say Jonathan had no money so she was scoping everything out and when it was closing time, and everyone would be gone and the place would be empty, they'd break in and get their stuff.

"Glass, aisle five." Willow wrote down on a piece of paper in her hands. So far she'd found wood to replace the broken front door. She'd also discovered glass for the windows, and even a new swivel chair for her to spend pointless hours swivelling in. "I think that'll be enough to be going on with." She mumbled while turning and shuffling off. When she thought about it, perhaps her list was too much to be going on with. How they were going to sneak out panes of glass was a mystery to her. Giving a shrug she stuffed her hands in her pockets and exited the store. The building was actually quite small, two doors, one for the customers and one for deliveries. It was the one for deliveries which Willow had made note to scope out the most. It got padlocked, the padlock was still in the latch when she absentmindedly walked down the alley where the back door was.

Whistling and stopping suddenly she turned and eyed up a black car which was sitting parked behind her. The car had been there all the time she had spent in the store, and now that she was moving, it was moving too. Narrowing her eyes, she crossed her arms and looked at the car. She wasn't moving, logically it wasn't ideal to stand still on a busy city street. But she didn't want a car following her. Taking a step back she diverted down an alleyway, she figured that a car couldn't follow her down the alley. Although the person who drove it obviously could. This made Willow flinch slightly, putting her hands on a nearby wall she pulled herself up.

"Listen, Noodle. You don't go telling your dad that I'm climbing about and I won't tell your friends embarrassing stories when you're older. Believe me, I would do that. My parents have done it to me, I'd do it to you. Aren't I kind?" Willow smiled and skipped down the alleyway and down the street, looking over her shoulder she smiled. There was no sight of the ominous black car.


"So here's the thing, all the possible building materials we need, that store has." Willow explained while looking up at the ceiling. She was currently sitting outside of the bathroom, Jonathan had shut himself in there and she honestly didn't want to think about what he was doing.

"You do realise we can't get everything in one go, right?" He questioned quietly yet sternly.


"Don't sound like that, Willow."

"Like what?"

"Like," Jonathan paused and the sounds of the door unlocking caught her attention. "Like you expect us to get everything in one go. We're two people, with one pair of arms each, how much do you think we can honestly carry?" Jonathan questioned again, frowning he pointed a finger at Willow. "Why are you looking at me like that? What I said made perfect sense."

"Is there a Doctor in the house? Oh I do believe there is! Look at you!" Willow chirped and grabbed his hands to pull him out of the doorway. "Love the suit, where'd you get it from? It's new right? I'm not imaging up a spontaneously appearing suit am I? Who'd you steal it from? You did steal it right?"

Jonathan just stared at Willow blankly. "You rambled about a suit."

"A funky black suit...oh, I like this suit." Willow put a hand to her chin and looked him up and down. "Your tie is crooked, dear."

Jonathan stepped back into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Correcting the tie he turned back to Willow. "So?"


"That didn't sound like a good yeah." Jonathan paused. "More of a hesitant yeah."

"Well...how can I put this?" Willow paced down the corridor, Jonathan shuffled slowly after her interested to what her words would be. Turning she looked up at him and giggled a little too girlishly for his liking. "Oh Jonathan, you and suits are a match made in heaven...other than us two, naturally."

"Meaning?" Jonathan asked obliviously.

Willow looked at him deadpanned. "Dude...seriously?" Sighing and tilting her head to the side she pouted. "You look the part of a doctor or psychiatrist whichever you're going to be in this clinic. You always sound the part. All in all, Jonathan you look exactly like the you who I met again those few years ago." Willow nodded and shrugged. "You do look very nice in a suit."

"Get over the suit. As my apparent secretary, you'll need to look the part."

His words caused Willow to look down at herself. "Yeah, I guess if a patient came in they'd question why the secretary is in a leather jacket and really battered boots."

"They'd probably think how unsavoury of a clinic we are."

Willow laughed. "Unsavoury?! Oh check you out getting into this clinic thing already. You do realise we're like...working underground, and we're not going to get very many if any good reviews, right?"

Jonathan smiled at this and wagged his finger at her. "Now, now, Willow. We have to think big here."

"Ie: get in with the rich folks, and they'll review and recommend us...right?"

"Right." Jonathan nodded and crossed his arms. "But in all seriousness, go find some smart clothes."

"Yes, boss," Willow pouted and shuffled off, Hannibal passed her in the corridor and looked at the two confused. "Wait! Do I have to change now? We have some minor thievery to do. I think you should be the one changing, I don't want to listen to you moping about getting your stolen suit dirty." Willow lectured from the stairs.

Jonathan turned and walked forwards and looked up at her, she was crouching on the top step. "You're right," Willow looked at him confused. "That's the answer to one of your earlier questions, the suit is stolen. And no, I won't mope since when did I mope? What time does the store close?" Jonathan questioned simply while crossing his arms, Willow rolled her eyes and collapsed back against the landing.


(Edited: 1/Nov/2019)

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