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Tipping a box upside down, Willow looked at the contents and took to sorting it out. Looking up confused when the doorbell rung, she slowly moved around the bed and into the landing. Walking slowly down the stairs she stopped and stared at the door. "How much do you bet that it's a salesman?" Rolling her eyes she looked down at Hannibal, who had wondered in from the sitting room to see who was at the door too. He shook his head and sniffled. "What? You don't think it is a salesman...then who could it be?" Hannibal just looked up at her plainly, Willow made a popping noise and tottered forward.

"Hello! I noticed lights on yesterday, not that I sit and watch your house or anything because that is weird and unhealthy. But I noticed you had moved back, I mean you did leave in a rush...it's good to see you back."

Willow blinked slowly and looked over her shoulder, Hannibal rolled his eyes and walked off. Jonathan wasn't here to do that so Hannibal took over and did it for the moment. "Hi," Willow dragged the word out slowly and looked over the happy blonde. She looked no different than the last time they had seen each other.

"So what bought you back?"

"The city is very money sucking." Willow said while moving to the side. "Care to come in? You've caught me unpacking again but I would love a break." She smiled and shut the door when Harriet trotted past her. Willow scrunched her nose up when the visitor took to looking over the wallpaper and carpet and the general interior. Harriet smiled and followed Willow into the sitting room. "As well as unpacking I'm also going through decorating plans." Willow said when Harriet took to looking over the wallpaper which was peeling in places. "Would you like a drink?" Willow smiled, Harriet nodded and watched her walk off. "She's a freak!" Willow exclaimed quietly while crouching down to Hannibal's level. He looked up from his food to her. "She just sits, and stares, and inspects and says nothing! She's a freak. A silent freak who is clearly slagging off my home in her mind." Willow rubbed her temples with a frown. Hannibal just looked at her before eating again. "You're no help. Go in there and be cute." Willow put her hands on Hannibal's shoulders and pushed him away from his food. "You have to stop eating. You'll get fat, you eat a lot I don't want a fat dog, no offence to fat dogs." Standing up and filling the kettle up she listened to Harriet cooing over Hannibal, Willow smiled triumphantly until Hannibal barked loudly.

Willow shuffled quickly out of the kitchen, she didn't want Harriet to think that her dog was vicious and likely to bite her arm off or something. Hannibal only barked loudly and happily for a few things. Food was one of those things, one of the other things stood confused in the door way.

"We have company I see." Jonathan said slowly and stiffly. It was more than clear that he was not expecting this, nor did he really want this. Having a visitor meant having to act normal, acting normal was easy but slight odd traits were still likely to pop up. "It's good to see you again, Harriet. How have you been?" Jonathan smiled and slammed the door. He took his annoyed feelings out on the door.

Harriet perked up and smiled at him. "I'm good, I was just saying to Lucy that I noticed lights on in here yesterday."

"You watch our house?" Jonathan looked worried, more for Harriet's apparent past time than the actual fact that she kept tabs on their home.

Harriet laughed and waved a hand up at him. "No! I was actually just going to work and noticed."

Jonathan turned away from her slowly and eyed Willow up. She was still standing in the kitchen doorway looking bemused. "How was work?" Willow asked distantly.

Jonathan shrugged and walked past her into the kitchen, "Fine." Putting his briefcase down onto the dinning table he turned and looked at her. Nodding sidewards towards the sitting room he frowned. "What's the deal?" He whispered.

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