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 Willow sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at Luke. "You're still annoyed about being locked out?"


"But it's the police, Luke." Willow pouted. "Lets hope they didn't trace you."

"Nah, they wouldn't be able to. If they tried they'd have got a load of viruses opened into that system of theirs." Luke propped himself up and smiled. "That'd weaken their system."

"You're sneaky," Willow frowned. "Luke, have you always been a hacker?"

"Yup." He shrugged and laid back down. "I meant it," he looked up at her. "I don't have many friends, so I taught myself a skill. I was going to go into the police force or like...the FBI with it."

"So why don't you seem like you are following this dream anymore?"

"The police killed my brother. The accident he was in, was because of them. Why'd I want to help them?"

"Hm," Willow nodded. "You have a point. But please, can you at least try not to go down the road of being a criminal?" Luke looked at her confused, Willow smiled and tapped him on the nose. "Sleep. You've got lessons tomorrow."

"What?! I'm not going to school, Willow!"

"Nah, I'm going to home school you." Standing up she walked towards the door.

"But what about your on off job?"

"Meh," shrugging she looked back at him. "It's my day off tomorrow. Night, Luke." Switching the light off she listened to the quiet good night she received in return. Walking into the sitting room she wasn't surprised to see Jonathan still scribbling ideas and plans down. Sitting down next to him she reached out and snatched the pad of paper away from him. Jonathan frowned and looked at her.


"He hates the police."


"That's why he's opting to help you."

"Well of course the kid has some alternate reason to helping me. He doesn't owe me any loyalties. I wasn't the one who took him in, if anything, he'd have more loyalties to you."

"I'm great like that, give me your loyalties." Willow yawned and gave him his pad back. "You going to be scribbling away for hours I take it?" Jonathan nodded and returned back to his writing. Willow sighed and watched him. Sighing again caused Jonathan to narrow his eyes at her.


"You're serious about potentially killing those remnant gang bangers aren't you?"

"Yes, I meant it. The next time we're out in public doing something, they'll attack us. Perhaps not the first time we're out, but they will. They'd want revenge on us for getting their boss locked away." Jonathan shut his book and put his pen down on the cover. "He's not going to get out any time soon. Not unless he somehow manages bail, or someone breaks him out." This thought caused them both to frown.

"He can't get out."

"I know."

"...They need to go."

"I'm well aware."

"Have you got a plan?"

"More or less."

"Care to enlighten me?"



"Because you have to stay home with the kid."

"...No I don't. He's ten! He can look after himself."

"He's not totally self reliant, Willow."

Willow smirked. "Oh, look who's pointing out obviousness about a child."

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