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"You know what I like? The fact that we bought some of our stuff here. It clearly shows we expected to come here sometime, right?" Willow looked at Jonathan, he was finishing unpacking the food he bought and looked at her. "Don't look like that! You have to admit this place is better than the church and that rundown thing back in the city."

"Do you know which home out of all the ones we've owned I miss the most?"


"My own." Jonathan said quietly while turning a carton of orange juice over in his hands. Willow had stopped chopping up chicken and looked at him. Putting the carton into the fridge he looked up at her with a sad smile. "It's natural to miss ones home isn't it?"

"Yes," Willow answered while putting the chicken into the frying pan. "Would you go back there?"

"I would, but I believe someone is living there now. Not only that, the police have it written down in their records."

"So does Batman."

"Hm," Jonathan frowned. "Yes he does. We're better off moving around, I think." He smiled surely and put the rest of the shopping away.

"I liked your home. Even when I had to barricade myself in my room. I still liked it." Willow mused and chopped up some vegetables, mainly peppers, mushrooms and baby sweetcorn.

"Oh that'll have to stop, back to testing on the random homeless."

"Don't make it sound like such a trial." Willow waved a spoon at him.

"It is interesting. I know your reactions to well, and no offence, they're boring. The random homeless have interesting reactions which I've not seen before."

"Am I boring you?" Willow smirked.

"Your reactions when suffering from the toxins, yes. You in general, no, never." Jonathan said and looked at Willow when she let out a quiet 'aww' sound.


"So who was the stiff in the white suit?" Willow asked while curling up in a blanket on the sofa.

"Someone who calls himself the Guru," Jonathan answered and looked at her, Willow laughed and hid her face in the folds of the blanket. Jonathan rolled his eyes, although he had to admit it was a stupid name too.

"What did he want?"

"I'm not sure." Jonathan answered slowly, and reached over to the coffee table and picked up his cup. "Just as he was about to explain you came in and well...you know...shared your information with us."

"What do you think he wants?"

"He said something about business." Jonathan frowned.

Willow frowned too. "He's not to do with the mob is he?"

"I'm not sure. He didn't look it, but he acted like it."

"Maybe he's just super confident?"

"Perhaps." Jonathan mused. "But there was just something...off...I can't quite pin it down."

"What do you mean?"

"It wasn't like he had been sent to find me, or us. It was more he did it on his own accord."

Willow frowned at this and leaned forward. "I don't like the sound of that. Not at all."

"Nor me."

"He left a contact number though, right?"

"Of course he did."

"Are you going to phone him?"

"Out of curiosity, yes. I want to know what this odd man wants." Jonathan narrowed his eyes at the window.

"Well it's obviously not something pleasant, is it?" Willow smiled and shuffled out of the corner of the sofa to sit beside him. "I mean, your business isn't pleasant." She looked up at him while holding onto his arm and wrapping it around herself. Letting out a quiet yawn she huddled closer to him and pulled the blanket which she was cocooned in off and put it across the two of them.

"I wonder what he wants though." Jonathan mused quietly and looked down. "Do you honestly have to go to sleep on me while I'm sitting up?"

"But you're warm and comfy." Willow giggled and gripped onto his shirt, Jonathan let out an awkward cough and put her at arm's length. "Hey! I was comfy." She pouted and whined. Jonathan rolled his eyes and settled on the sofa more and held his arms out. Willow let out a happy yet quiet 'yay' and laid down next to him. Jonathan pulled the blanket more around them and shut his eyes. "Good night, Jonathan."

"Night, Willow."

"Night, Noodle." Willow patted her stomach.

"It isn't going to reply to you."

"I know, it's just a sweet idea to say good night to Noodle." Willow said quietly, it was clearly she was drifting off to sleep in mid sentence.


(Edited: 1/Nov/2019)

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