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Picking the piece of material up by his forefinger and thumb, Jonathan eyed it up. Opening his mouth to say something he shut it again and flung the material back down to Hannibal. The husky happily chewed on it some more. Looking away from the content animal, Jonathan looked up to its owner. Willow sat with a spoon handle sticking out of her mouth. She gave an odd twitch before rubbing her temples.
"Brain freeze." Sighing Jonathan reached over the table and put a hand over the ice cream tub. He went to retract his arm and pull the tub away, only Willow had other ideas. Slapping his hand away she protectively clung onto the tub. Narrowing her eyes she stuck the spoon in and dug out a small mountain of frozen treat. "Where did you go?" She asked eventually. "I mean I have no qualms with you wandering around, but seriously...it would have been nice for an intervention."
"My presence would have made things worse."
Willow laughed and threw the spoon into the sink. Putting the lid onto the ice cream tub, she drummed her fingers and looked at him. "Hannibal's presence made things worse, I can't see how the moment could be made more worse." She smiled and leaned back in her chair.
Jonathan looked thoughtful. "I'm rather sure things would have turned worse if I was here. Nice job with dealing with them though."
Willow shrugged. "They weren't really hard to deal with. They were after all looking for you, not me the humble impartial secretary."
"Impartial, you've never been impartial."
"Hm, I've not been totally compliant though, have I?" Willow asked while standing up and crossing her arms over her emerald baggy jumper. "Where did you go?" She asked again while putting the ice cream back in the freezer.
"I was creating a fail safe."
Willow perked up and turned to look at him. "Another one?" Pouting she pointed at him. "Why?" Jonathan fidgeted and readjusted his glasses before swiftly standing up. Walking over he stood and looked down at her, Willow frowned and then shook her head. "Jonathan! You...you!"
"Fail safes are used as precautions. Which means that when I'm out of the picture, you're going to be causing havoc. Hence the fail safe." She said while running a hand through her hair. "Way to plan ahead." Willow added as an afterthought while wagging a finger at him. Smiling she clapped her hands and shuffled past him. "As fun as this is, and you know that's not sarcasm because I do find conversing with you fun." She sucked in breath from saying that quickly and in one breath. "I seriously need to sleep!"
"You didn't have to wait up for me." Jonathan stated while walking over and putting his hands on her shoulders. She looked over her shoulders at him. "But I suppose I'm happy you did."
"You suppose?" Willow said dryly while getting nudged forwards. "Well next time Batman and Robin pop by and you're nowhere to be seen, I'll make sure to not stay up and tell you of our nocturnal visitors."


Typing quickly on the keyboard, Willow jumped when a low cough happened near her. Looking up she looked at a tall dark haired man. "Good afternoon, can I help you?" She smiled, quickly shooting the computer a look she wriggled the mouse and closed the current screen. She admittedly was playing Pac-Man. Work today was slow, she had to do something to kill the time, so why not play online games?

"I was wondering if I could book an appointment." A Chicago accent said lowly.

Willow raised an eyebrow. It was an odd choice of words, so far no one coming in had used the word 'wondering'. There wasn't really much wondering when it came to booking appointments. Either you want to book an appointment, or you didn't. There wasn't any middle ground. Smiling widely, Willow nodded and typed in the computer again. "May I ask for a name?"

"Martin Green."

Willow nodded slowly, "Green." She looked up at him. "Green?"


"You're the first person I've met who has a last name that's a colour." Leaning forward she wagged a finger up at him. "What day would be convenient for you?" The plain questions got asked for another five minutes before the man shuffled out. Drumming her fingers on the desk she looked up at the ceiling when there was a yelp. Some patients were more verbal than others, others were silent as the grave. But the one thing they all seemed to have in common was the reaction to Jonathan's Scarecrow mask.


As soon as he was clear from the clinic, Bruce clambered into a car. Alfred turned and looked at him with a unamused expression. "I do hope your plan doesn't have some sort of consequence."

"I am rather accustomed to Crane's way of doing things." Bruce answered not exactly answering Alfred's words, but instead oddly changing the subject. The elderly butler heaved a sigh. "Someone has to investigate what's going on."

"Can you not just call the police, sir?"

"Oh," Bruce gave a smirk. "That's a little too simple is it not?"

"As long as Miss Butler did not recognise you sir." Alfred picked up the conversation after several moments of silence.

"No," Bruce leaned back in the seat as the car started to pull away. "She didn't. For all pretence and purposes, I'm just another troubled member of Gotham's society who wishes to seek help."

"Can you really class whatever is happening in that clinic as help?" Alfred sharply turned the steering wheel. "Last time I checked, doctors weren't insane."


(Edited: 4/Nov/2019)

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