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"So let me get this right, Strange was behind it, but Ra's was behind him being behind it?"

"According to the news." Jonathan said while taking the box from Willow's hands and opening it. Handing it back he sat and watched her eat the pop tarts as quickly as humanly possible. "You're doing your hamster impression again." He stated while poking her cheeks. Willow frowned at him and swallowed the food in her cheeks.

"So, Strange is dead?"


"Great. And Ra's?"

"Seemingly dead too."

"He'll wake up from his dirt nap in no time, just you wait."

"There's something else though, Willow." Jonathan said seriously, she looked up at him from the table. "Joker's dead." She blinked and turned to look at him fully. "We thought this would happen though, remember?"

"Yes...but...Batman said he was getting the cure..." Willow mumbled out. "He even said he'd get it for Joker. How...? How did he let him die?"

Jonathan reached over and put a hand on her head. He ruffled the choppy hair and looked at her with a light smile. "Because Batman's a liar. Your reasoning and words are based off of something he idly told you correct? Yes, see, how are you honestly meant to believe a man who was more or less the indirect reason why Arkham City was built. And also who filled up Arkham Asylum and its many cells?" Jonathan questioned. "You simply can't. He'll deny being at fault for half the inmates in both places." He leaned back in his chair and looked at her.

"You don't understand, Jonathan! He had to get the cure, there was no choice in the matter! He said he was going to get it, so he was going to get it. And when he did, he was going to use it for himself and for the Joker!" Willow said while frowning at him. "He clearly stuck to his words, which makes me wonder why the Joker is dead when he's still alive."

Jonathan blinked and raised an eyebrow at her. "You defended Batman."

"He saved my life in there, excuse me if I defend his innocence this one time." Willow narrowed her eyes at him and stomped off.

"You said he had to use it for himself? What happened there?"

"Joker pumped his infected blood into him." Willow said while reappearing around the door frame.

Jonathan looked at her dubiously before letting out a short laugh. "Near death experience for our dearest Batman there. Wonder how that went down for him?" He mused and looked up at Willow. "You look troubled, what's wrong?"

Sighing and walking back into the room she pulled her chair nearer to his. Reaching out she held onto his hands loosely. "Thomas was in there."

Jonathan raised an eyebrow and laughed at this. "What? How did that fool manage to get caught? He always boasts and brags and there he is in Arkham City. That is classic. How unfortunate for Mr Elliot. Was his lady friend with him too?"

"She wasn't, but that's not what I wanted to actually tell you."

"There's more?"

"He's the one who helped Dominic."

Jonathan frowned at this and looked at her, Willow was being serious. "Really?"


"Well this changes everything doesn't it?" Jonathan mumbled thoughtfully. "Did he give a reason?"

"No, but I think he did it out of sheer boredom."

"Most likely. Or he used his skills to keep the man alive only to kill him eventually."

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