Chapter 6

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I was woken up too screaming and yelling. I jumped out off my bed , checking the time seeing that it was 3:19 in the morning.

"What the fuck?" I groaned as I wiped my eyes.

As I walked towards the room Hennessy was staying in the noises only got louder. I walked in too see her kicking the air asif she was having a real bad nightmare.

"Hennessy , hennessy , hennessy!" I said as I sat on the bed trying too tame her. "Hennessy. Its coo' its coo' calm down." I softly said as I pulled her in too me. "You good shorty." I rubbed her back and placed my chin on her head as she cried on my chest.

Now I dont know what funny shit yall would call this. But I aint ever done this before & I dont know why Im doing it either ...

But for some reason I feel sorry for her. To leave her in this state , crying all the time , bruises and cuts on her skin , having horrible nightmares , just tells me that this shit must off been an on going thing. I felt myself getting angry thinking about it ...

I looked down at her too see her folded up into a ball with her head in her knees as she stared down at the floor.

"You had an erm ... nightmare?" I asked her.

"..." she didnt reply , she just nodded her head.

"Whas goin on wit you Hen." I softly asked her.

I want to help her but I cant do that if she just keep blocking me out.

"You erm - I erm ..." I cleared my throat. Why I felt nervous? Ion Know. But something bad must off gon on cause she hasnt been herself for about a week now. I just dont know what to do with her man. I aint ever dealt with something like this before.

I ran my hand down my face looking up too the ceiling. I then felt Hennessy remove her body from my hold and sit up straight on the bed.

The room was pretty silent ...

"When I was 12 my papa died." She said lowly causing me too look over at her. "He was murdered."

I didnt say nothing.

"We was really close. Like foreal ... But ... when he left us its like my mama left me too. She err turned too drugs , alcohol , men!" She began too shake her head. "Anything really. Everything! Apart from me ... her daughter. When I was 13 it was the first time she abused me ... i left the Tv on or somethin' like that and ever since then its became a normal thing! She smokes , does drugs , has men and everything else in front off me." She now stood up in front off me and lifted up top.

Are we about too have sex?


But I was took off guard when she revealed a massive bruise on her rib cage. Another one on her arm ... and another on her thigh.

"Damn Hennessy." I mumbled.

"She abandoned me Hoodz. I had to support myself , food , hygiene , clothes , you name it!ever since I was 16 and could get a job." She explained.

"You aint gotta worry bout that , trust me." I quietly said through gritted teeth.

"But what happened last week." She said as she sat back down next too me. "That was the first time somethin like that happened ever! I never thought she would allow something like that to hap- I never want to see that woman again!" She cried.

"Dont worry bout that." I told her. "Dont worry bout that." I said as I comforted her.

"Thank you so much. I dont know where id be if I didnt see you that night."

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