Chapter 13

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"There's a rat up in this bitch!"  I said angrily as I stormed through the trap.

Tray immediately jumped off the floor & onto the table , knocking everything off.  "Where motherfucker? where!"

I paused and smacked my teeth loudly. "Not a fucking insect creature thing , whatever the fuck it is ... nigga one off these people!" I said irritatedly as I pointed too all the workers. I cut my eye at him as I continued too walk towards my office.

I heard footsteps off somebody rushing behind me. I peeped over my shoulder too see that it was Tray following me in the office.

"What you mean theres a rat." He asked closing the door behind him.

"A rat?" Corey asked standing up.

"Yeh." Tray told him.

Mike took his attention off his phone and stood up too. "A fucking rat? Nah nigga we gotta get new cleaners up in th-"

"A fucking person! A damn fucking snake and NO not the type that sliver around the damn floor!" I stated now extremely aggravated.

"Oh shit!" He said rubbing his hands down his face.

"Wha- I dont get it. How." Tray asked taking a seat.

I gave them all an evil stare before I spoke. " We supposed to ride out on Lance today right? Well this nigga had Remi's cousin at gun point earlier pressuring him about Remi's whereabouts. How the FUCK does Lance know that we was supposed too ride out on him. He never knew there was beef between us or some type off damn problem. Either theres a rat underneath my chin or one off yall got a loud fucking mouth." I explained ... looking directly at Tray when I said the last bit.

"What you looking at me for?" He asked.

"Coincidence." Corey mumbled causing Tray too throw him an evil stare.

Mike paused and then looked over at me. "Wait werent Remi cousin meant too be taking all the food and cash ove-"

"Yep." I interrupted him since I knew what he was about too say. "Lance and his people took it all. Ten bags and about thirty five kilos off light and dark. But fuck the cash and all that ... theres a damn rat up in this bitch , you not listening?" I asked sarcastically as I took a seat on my chair. "All I know is Remi heated right now , pissed! My nigga out there looking for him now. I guess his cousin was scared or suhm like that." I said mumbling the last part as I started too roll my blunt.

"Ion blame him. Aint my nigga like 16?" Corey asked.

"Shouldn't off put him on this ... I knew he wasnt ready for all this shit man." Mike said looking at the floor.

"Word. But he was keen , my nigga werent taking no for an answer." Tray told him.

"Right. Bet he regrets it now huh." I chuckled.

"So what now?" Corey asked. I looked up at him confused. "The money? The drugs?"

"Fuck all that. Ten bags? He can keep that little damn change. I want too know who the fuck talkin' my business." I said as somebody knocked on the door.

Mike pulled it open too reveal a shawty standing in her little ass fit , looking nervous as hell with her head down. "Not right now Tayanna." Mike told her walking away scratching his cheek and rolling his eyes.

I let out a little laugh concentrated on what I was doing wit my hands.

"Its about the Lance situation." She said fiddling with her fingers , catching all of us off guard. Mike paused and turned towards her. Corey looked up straight away. Tray broke his neck too look at her and I stood up straight away forgetting about the weed that was in my damn hands.

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