Chapter 15

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"Hennessy stop!" I yelled.

We been at this party for a few hours now and let me not cap I was really enjoying myself until about 1 hour ago. Hennesy has literally got herself white girl wasted and I am on the verge of breaking down. I have never see her in this state before and I would usually let her be but this has gone to far now. I wish I could say I blame Jalyn for continuously encouraging her to drink but I couldnt ...

There is a reason why shes let herself get like this.

"Hennessy , stand up , your embarrassing yourself!" I told her as I sat her on the couch.

"Stop being a party pooper!" Jalyn said mugging me.

"Party pooper? Look at her Jalyn ... Im just being a good friend , unlike you." I said pushing him away. It seemed like all the alcohol had vanished from my system and now I was being dead serious.

I placed a cup of water near her mouth. "Drink some for me Hennie." I told her as I held her chin up. This gotta be like my 7th attempt now but still she was having none of it.

I rolled my eyes tryna hold back my tears that was about to fall. I couldnt let her go on in this state , Id hate her if she let me go on if I was in that state.

I dropped besides her , laying her head on my lap.

I looked around to see everyone still partying , the music was loud , people was sleeping on couches , girls were puking up. This whole atmosphere was what I loved to be in ... but Hennessy comes first no matter what. I couldnt let her make a fool of herself ... not when I know shes going through what she is with her Mom. Thats why shes let herself get like this. It has to be. Hennesy never drinks the way she was backing them drinks down tonight. I mean ... im not aware of any other problem happening in her life right now so thats gotta be the reason and it for sure breaking my heart to see her suffer like this ...

I was took off guard when Hennesy vommitted on the floor besides her. "Oh god Hennie..." I mumbled as I held her hair up and rubbed her back. "Let it out baby."

"Oceeonn." She cried out.

"Im here..." I responded as I continued to rub her back. "Let it all o-"

"Ayyyyy." I heard a few manly voices yell catching my attention.

I see a crowd of darkskinned males crowd around something , I couldnt work out what it was but at this moment I wasnt exactly bothered.

"Jalyn!" I called out. "Jay! Can you help me get her out?" I begged. He didnt take much notice of me , too busy shaking his god damn legs. "Oh my god." I mumbled as tears now fell down my cheeks.

"Wassup my niggas." A familliar voice said which immediately caught my attention.

"Oh no." I said once I see Elijah walk in to the party.

"No no no no." I panicked. He is the one person who could not see Hennessy like this.

She would never forgive me...

I stood up holding onto Hennessy's arm trying to tug her up. "Come baby." I said to her as I now lifted her up with all the strength in me. I let out a breath of relief once I now had her on her two feet ... whether she was stable or not , I was ready to get her the hell outta here.


My heart dropped as I turned around to the direction of the voice.

"Oh my." I said as a I released a breath of relief out once I realised it was Jordan.

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