Chapter 25

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"No! You are so beautiful! Never forget that." Gee told me as I laid my head in her lap , crying my eyes out ... for the 100th time.

Truthully seeing Hoodz earlier on really affected me.

I broke down , as soon as we reached Gee's.

5 hours later...

Here I am.

Im completely gutted how things have turned out.

The fact he didnt even try and talk to me has hurt me deeply , more then I thought it would...

He really doesnt care about me and I guess he proved that to me today...

And the truth is I dont know how to deal with that.

Jalyn left to go to the store about an hour back , so he should be pulling up any minute now.

His ass insisted to bring me back 10 packs of my favourite ...

Jolly Ranchers.

And probably a whole bunch of other stuff to & aint nothing that I could of said that would of stopped him.

"Come on Hennie." Gee told me as she cleaned the tears off my face. "This isnt good for you , not healthy! If that nigga wont see whats infront of him , another nigga sure will." She told me as she stood up and headed over to her makeup bag. "No more crying tonight. When J gets bac-"

"- when J gets back what?" Jalyn interrupted , making his presence known as he barged through the bedroom door wit about 10 bags in his damn hand.

"When J gets back we all his damn food." She laughed as she took a bag from his hand and fell to her bed. "Whats in here?" she asked herself.

As she emptied out one of the bags she took , I analysed the ones that he now placed on the bed.

"Boy what did you get?" I slightly giggled causing both Gee and Jalyn to pause and look over at me.

"Whatever you did , do it again .. her ass laughed." Gee mumbled as she began taking things out the bags.

"Girl." I said as I snuggled closer to them.

"I got you .. all of these." He said , throwing about 17 packs of Jolly Ranchers on my leg.

"J!" I laughed out.

"I cleared out the whole damn box for you girl."

There was no damn need for all of these.

Like what the fuck am I supposed to do wit em all?

"Yo ass best be sharing." Gee said as she snatched one from my lap.

"I mean .. you aint even give me a chance." I laughed again as I used my finger to clean any extra tears off my face.

Just for a second there , everything in my life was on hold as I gave my attention to J and Gee..


I watched Gee bite into a snickers bar as Jalyn continued to shuffle through all the other bags..

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