Chapter 9

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"I know right!" I laughed. I was currently lying on the bed on FaceTime too Gee. Ever since we finally reunited we havent stopped speaking! Literally ... if we aint texting we on the damn phone to eachother.

"Last day off school is tomorrow , before the break ermm you coming back or?" She asked me.

"Yeah I guess... I err havent really thought about it." I told her honestly.

"I guess everything is abit crazy for you at the moment..." I felt my whole mood change as I thought about the past couple off weeks but I also realised that I HAVE to ... like what do I do from here?

"and work? Like ..." she lost my attention as she went on and on.  I looked up too see Hoodz walking in the room wit a half eaten chocolate bar in his hands.

"Ay you go- ohh... you on the phone." He whispered as he dropped besides me on the bed.

"Gee my phone bout to die." I lied. "Il call you in an hour." I told her. Truthfully I jus had alot off things running through my mind at once and I know she has good intentions in all this but I just didnt wanna think about it all.

"Okay... ermm yeah okay." She said as she furrowed her brows. I gave her a smile and quickly ended the call. Locking my phone and letting it drop too the bed.

"Incase you didnt know , your phones on 68%." Hoodz said as he looked at my phone. I looked over at him and my mood slowly changed. When im around him I feel like the luckiest girl ever! But ... then I snap back too reality realising that were only friends and nine times out off ten im not the only one.

"You look stressed." He told me.

"Im just thinking..."

"About what?" He asked looking up too me as he laid on the bed.

"Like where do I go from here..." As soon as I said that he smacked his teeth and rolled his eyes. "Yeh I know you tell me not too worry about it but I cant just stay here forever like eventually you gon have a wife and children and stuff..." I said mumbling the last bit. Hoping that one day that could be me! That I could be his wife and the mother too his kids one day!

"I just dont wanna be in ... your way." I mumbled as I played wit the lace on my bottoms.

"You not in my way." He mumbled ...

Maybe im overthinking ... maybe im doing too much... but I believed I had a damn point.


I currently was standing outside my school building , waiting for Gee too get here. Yes I decided too come back. But I was extremely nervous... its been a whole month! It doesn't help that I left with no explanation either ...

I heard that today was the last day before the holidays so that also was a huge relief. I looked in distant too see 2 figures coming my way. As they got closer I summed them out too be Jalyn and Gee . I gave them a wide smile as they approached me.

"Good to have you back!" Jalyn said as he embraced me wit a hug and linked my arm.

"Good too be back." I lied.

"How did you get here?" Gee asked me as we walked inside the building.

"Walked." I lied again... Hoodz dropped me. I told him 'No' but he didnt really give me an option. He basically put me in the damn car.

I couldnt tell the truth because Jalyn wasnt aware off the situation so I jus gave Gee a little nudge hoping she would understand. I guess if everyone found out I was stayin wit Hoodz , it would be nothing but assumptions and rumours and thats one thing I couldnt cope wit.

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