The big bad wolf or satan

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"Liliana!"  I heard Mr. Wolf beckoned from his office. I groaned. Then I heard footsteps. I tried to ignore the fact that my boss is coming towards me, but my boss makes it so damn difficult.

I hear ruffling of papers as a hand slams onto my desk while I type on the keyboard.

"Explain to me why this wasn't sent out?"  Mr. Wolf asked with irritation.

"Because you didn't send it," I replied as I continue to type.

"Miss Red, I expect you to do your job or find another job," Mr. Wolf ordered as he turned and walked away.

I stopped typing, swiveled around in my desk chair, and raised my hands, pretending to choke my boss.

"I saw that!"  Mr. Wolf yelled. "You're on thin ice!"

"Bite me!"  I yelled back.

"Don't push your luck, Liliana!"  He yelled. "Now, get me a coffee!"

Mr. Wolf went into his office, slamming his office door. I could feel my left eye twitch as I went to get his precious coffee. Do you think people will suspect if I poison him?

I stood in front of the Keurig, making his highness a cup of coffee. Let me explain a few key details. I graduated from college with a business degree, hoping to find an entry-level job. I applied to Wolf Enterprises as a data-entry, but they hired me as an administrative assistant. That's a glorified term for secretary, which I'm currently.  Oh, and I hate my boss, who is Dimitri Wolf.

People assume because you hate someone that you're hiding your feelings and fall in love. Well, they're wrong because I do hate my boss. I mean, I hate him. The man is Satan dressed in an eight hundred dollar suit.

The only reason I work here is for the money because I have bills to pay. When you live in an apartment, you need lights, heat, and food. Adulting sucks when you get older.

"Where's my damn coffee?"  Satan screeched.

"Coming up, your highness," I mumbled as I grabbed the cup of hot coffee. I wonder if I dumped it on Satan's manhood if that would help his personality?

I walked into Satan's office to find a woman in there, dressed slutty. I rolled my eyes as I set his precious coffee down on his desk.

"Anything else, Mr. Wolf?" I asked through gritted teeth and faking a smile.

"No, you can go," he informed me.

I smiled as the woman acted seductively. I shook my head at the complete view. Picture a woman in a tight skirt and her blouse unbuttoned to where her breasts are hanging out.  Yep, that's the woman sitting in the chair.

"Okay, I'll leave you to bang your next victim," I answered.  Satan glared at me as the woman looked at me strangely. "Make sure you clean up your used condoms. I didn't enjoy the last conquest you had in here," I mentioned, leaving the office.

I went back to my desk, sat down, then started working. The next thing I know, the woman slammed out of the office, storming past my desk.

"We'll see you soon. Do have a nice day," I yelled after the woman. She shot me a look, then left. Was it something I said?

I heard heavy footsteps, then saw Satan standing in front of my desk. He leaned down, placing his palms on the desktop.

"What was that?" Satan asked.

"What?  I care about your safety," I reasoned acting concern.

"You know damn well what and cut the bullshit. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not screwing random women. That's not this type of business," Satan informed me.

"Oh, then my bad," I retorted, smirking.

Satan looked unamused. "Get your shit together or find a new job," he threatened as he walked away.

I went back to work. Satan threatens to fire me every day but hasn't done it yet. I push his buttons, pissing him off. It's a typical behavior with us. The truth is he knows if I leave, he's screwed since I know how to do my job, and I do it well.

At five o'clock, I punched out and left. Most people say goodbye to their bosses; I flip mine off. I know it's unprofessional, but he's an ass.

I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few items, including dinner. It was my night to cook since Kris cooked last night. I tossed things into the shopping cart as I grabbed what I need. Since I didn't want to cook, frozen pizza it is.

As I turned the corner to go to the next aisle, my cart hit another cart. I looked to see Satan himself standing there.

"You know stalking is illegal in all fifty states," I happily reminded Satan.

"I'm not stalking. I'm shopping. Now, run along, so I can finish," Satan told me.

"That must be your mantra with women," I retorted, pissing Satan off.  I moved around Satan, leaving him to glare at me. Yeah, I know that one day, I will push my luck too far, but today isn't the day, and the next day isn't looking better.

I finished shopping, then checked out. Once my items are bagged, I put them in the shopping cart and went out to my car. Kris better is happy that it's my night to cook, considering I ran into Satan. The guy is obsessed with me, yet won't fire me. That sucks to be him.

I got home and dragged all the bags to the apartment. No way am I going back for a second trip. I want my sweats and hoodie. When you wear office clothes every day, you want comfort when you're home. It's a given.

I walked into the apartment and set the bags onto the kitchen floor.

"What took you so long?" Kris asked, entering the kitchen.

"I had to pick up dinner," I said, holding up a frozen pizza. That got met with an eye roll.

"You suck, Liliana," Kris huffed.

"Hey, your rules. We pick whatever dinner it is when it's our night to cook," I retorted.

"Why are we roommates again?"  She asked.

"Because I lived alone until your ex kicked you out. I told you that seeing two guys at the same time will blow up in your face," I reminded Kris.

"I like my variety," she shrugged.

I shook my head.

"How was Mr. Sex on legs?"  Kris asked about Satan.

"Satan's not sex on legs. He's an ass, although it was funny watching his slutty flavor of the week leave when I told him to clean up his used condoms," I told her.

"You didn't?"  Kris asked, surprised.

"Oh, but I did," I smirked.

She howled with laughter as I chuckled.

"One day, you're going to get fired," Kris reminded me.

"Yeah, if I'm lucky," I sighed.

Here's the thing, if employer fires you, you collect unemployment. If you quit, you get squat. I need money to pay bills, so lack of money isn't an option. Kris pays half of the bills, but I can't let her pay all of it.

I had a feeling Satan will drag me into a situation I didn't want, and it would come with strings attached.

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