Taking a chance

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After last night, I saw Dimitri differently. I'm glad I chose not to tell him the truth about Polly. Plus, what good would it do to drag up the past? You can't change it and the other person gets hurt.

When Alec told us about Craig and what he plans to do with Harry's dad, it all made sense. The final puzzle piece fell into place. Let me explain a few details.

Polly cheated on Dimitri with Harry while she was together with Dimitri. Harry's dad's company is failing because I suspect Harry's dad sucks at running a company. Polly felt she's helping Dimitri with dumping him and marrying Harry, hoping that it keeps Craig from taking Dimitri's company. That's not the truth. Polly dumped Dimitri because Harry's dad blackmailed Craig with ratting out his precious daughter.

How do I know the last part? Alec has a big mouth when he's high. Plus, Alec told me last night when I cornered him. I want to make sure I had all the information and not parts of it. Yeah, I'm resourceful like that.

This evening is the rehearsal dinner. I made a sound with my lips while moving my hand in a jerking motion. I wasn't happy about seeing Polly and her troll friends. They're the mean girls that never left high school and became adults.

I prefer to leave high school far behind me like on the other side of the world. I don't have time for high school mentality. That's why Grandma and I get along so well.

I decided to relax on the beach until it was time to get ready. Since we're leaving on Sunday, I better soak up as much ocean air as I can before I go back to the high humidity and bipolar nature we call Michigan.

I sat there sprawled out on the beach when Dimitri sat down next to me.

"I'm surprised you're not getting ready," Dimitri mentioned.

"Why? It's not like I spend countless hours getting ready. It takes me ten minutes to shower, twenty minutes to dress, and fifteen minutes for hair and makeup," I said.

Dimitri chuckled.

"You're not like most women," he said.

"That's a good thing because most women are ridiculous. You can look adorable and not spend hours doing it. It's all about time management," I said.

"Can I ask you something?" Dimitri asked.

"It depends on what it is," I answered.

"Why did you do the extra things at the office for me when I act terribly with you?" He questioned.

I looked at Dimitri. "Because we need someone who does a little extra for us when we forget ourselves. It takes nothing for kindness and human decency. How you treat people reflects more on the content of your character than it does on others," I explained.

Dimitri smiled at me.

"Well, thank you. It's nice to have someone care when you don't think anyone does," he said.

"Your family cares about you," I mentioned.

"Yeah, but they aren't in the same state as me. I left after Cherisse broke up with me and started a business in a different state. My dad helped me get started, then I worked my ass off," Dimitri said.

I leaned back slightly and looked at his ass.

"It doesn't look like you worked it off that much," I commented.

"Are you checking me out?" He asked.

"Perhaps, I am," I smirked.

Dimitri chuckled.

"You're something else," Dimitri said.

I shrugged. "So, you didn't date anyone after Polly?" I questioned.

That made Dimitri chuckled. "I can't believe you call Cherisse that," he said, chuckling.

"It suits your ex," I said.

"To answer your question, no, I didn't," Dimitri said.

"Why not?" I inquired, arching an eyebrow.

"I didn't want to fall for someone to have the person crush my heart again. After Cherisse dumped me, I figured I wasn't good enough for someone," Dimitri answered.

"That's not true," I reasoned. Dimitri looked at me curiously. "You're not good enough for anyone," I retorted. His expression changed to shock. I got up and smirked. Dimitri realized what I did and got up, chasing me. I laughed as I ran from Dimitri.


I chased Liliana as she laughed. I loved the way she laughed, it was carefree. I caught Liliana and spun her around as she laughed. I couldn't help but laugh. Then I carried Liliana to the water and tossed her into it.

I stood there and laughed, then Liliana grabbed my ankles and tripped me, making me fall into the water. I sat up and wiped the water from my face as she giggled. I grabbed Liliana and picked her up, throwing her back into the water. She emerged from the water and tackled me.

We played fight in the water, laughing hysterically. Its moments like these that made me fall deeper in love with Liliana. As we splashed around in the water, I pulled Liliana to me, then leaned in and pressed my lips to her lips. It surprised her, but she kissed me back. I moved my hands up her back as I deepened the kiss.

We pulled apart breathlessly. I moved my hands from Liliana's back to her face and held her face in my hands.

"There's something I want to tell you," I said.

"What?" Liliana asked.

"It's about our current arrangement," I answered as Liliana looked at me curiously. I took a deep breath and licked my lips. "I'm," I started to say.

"Dimitri and Liliana, we need to get ready," Mom yelled.

I looked at Liliana as she looked back at me.

"Okay, we'll be right there," I yelled back. I didn't take my eyes off Liliana.

"You were saying," Liliana said.

"It can wait until after the rehearsal dinner," I assured Liliana, smiling. She smirked and I released her face. She ran out of the water and to the house. I shook my head and sighed.

I got out of the water and picked up my phone. It rang and I answered it.

Did you tell Liliana yet?

"I'm working on it. Every time I try to tell Liliana, someone keeps interrupting me," I told Chandler.

Well, hurry. I don't have your time.

"I don't have my time," I reasoned.

Look, the sooner you tell Liliana your feelings, the better it will be for me.

"Why you?" I questioned.

Then, maybe you will get laid and stop acting like a sourpuss. Sex has many amazing qualities and you act celibate as a priest.

"One step at a time," I said.

Okay, you're a snail, but whatever you do, don't be you.

"What's that mean?" I asked.

That means don't tell Liliana your stupid idea of firing her. Now, I got to go grocery shopping.

"You go grocery shopping?" I asked, confused.

Well, I do eat, so yeah, I shop. Who knows? I might meet someone.

"Who meets women at the grocery store?" I asked.

You will be amazed at who you meet at the grocery store. Now, tell Liliana you're hot to trot for her, then I will talk to you when you return.

Chandler hung up and I shook my head in disbelief. Hopefully, tonight marks a turning point between us. I hope it does.

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