It's all fun and games until someone gets stung by a jellyfish

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I walked around the party looking for Liliana so that I could keep her from causing trouble. Why did I pick her to come with me? I could choose Slutty Susan from receiving it. Then again, I didn't want anything sexual going on here. Yes, I'm aware I have an employee like that working for me. I'll speak with Human Resources about a sexual harassment meeting with the employees when I return.

I walked around until I spotted Liliana. Shit, she was with Craig and Caroline. How the hell did she manage to meet them? I made my way over to Liliana to stop her from embarrassing herself.

"Oh, Dimitri, what a pleasant surprise," Caroline mentioned. Sure, considering your daughter ripped my heart out and stomped all over it, then invited me to her wedding.

"Hello, Caroline," I greeted Caroline properly.

"We were speaking with your fiancée, Liliana," Caroline said. Great, here comes the berating. "She's a lovely woman and has such a sense of humor. Wherever did you meet her?"

"1-800-dial-a-date," I replied. Craig and Caroline looked at me strangely. "Come, love muffin, we must mingle," I mentioned as I escorted Liliana away from Cherisse's parents.

"1-800-dial-a-date?" Liliana questioned with a look.

"I panicked," I answered, shrugging while dragging Liliana away from people.

We stopped, and I released Liliana's arm.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

"Well, I was having a lovely conversation with Craig and Carol until you interrupted us. Do you know they hate parties?" Liliana asked.

"What?" I looked at her incredulously.

"Yep, they didn't want this party. The groom's parents enjoy showing off, which reminds me, where is the couple-to-be?" She asked.

"I don't know, and I don't care," I replied curtly.

"Well, you should care, considering you're at the wedding of your ex. Is Cherisse hideous?" Liliana asked.

"What? No," I exclaimed.

"Were you terrible in bed? You know that can make or break a relationship," she said.

"What does my sexual history have to do with anything?" I questioned.

"A lot because no woman wants a man who can't make her toes curl. Do you know one of the causes of divorce is the lack of sex? Then it's followed by a lack of communication and money. Since you have money and grunt, I would say one out of three is terrible odds for you," Liliana told me. I felt my left eye twitching.

"Look, do me a favor and don't talk to people," I ordered as I walked away. What part of pretend doesn't she get?


"Don't talk to people," I mocked Satan. Now, I can see why his ex dumped him. Satan's so worried about what people think that it makes him uptight. I'm sure if you shoved a lump of coal up his ass, he would produce a diamond.

Since Satan forbade me to speak to people, I decided to go swimming. It's my first time at the ocean, and I planned on taking full advantage of it. I walked away from the party since Satan forbid me from enjoying myself, spoilsport. I came upon a spot and removed my coverup.

I walked towards the water and dipped my big toe in to see how warm it was. I shrugged, realizing it's sunny, then ran into the water, diving into it. I emerged a few minutes later, wiping the water from my face. Ocean water differs from lake water in so many ways. The temp is different, it's salty, and it has ocean life, which I completely forgot about while swimming.

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