Meet the family

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The plane landed in Honolulu, and I put my book in my bag. People started exiting the plane as I followed suit. After exiting the plane, I walked into the airport to the luggage claim. I didn't see Satan. Great, I'm in an unfamiliar place around people I don't know.

My bags arrived, and I grabbed them, making my way out of the airport - good thing I have my itinerary because it has the address of the location. Since Satan can't be bothered to wait for me, I can't be bothered to stand here.

I hailed a taxi, giving the driver the address.

"What's your name?" I asked the driver.

"Noni, ma'am," the driver introduced himself.

"Liliana," I introduced myself. I shook his hand, and he smiled.

Noni loaded my bags into the car, and we got into the front seat. He looked at me strangely.

"You're supposed to sit in the back," Noni informed me.

"I would, but then we can't talk, and the drive will be boring. Plus, you'll get lonely, and we don't want that," I replied, smiling cheekily. Noni chuckled as he drove me to the address.

We talked on the way, and I learned a lot about Noni. He's married with three kids. He drives a taxi around the island to pay the bills but wanted to open a restaurant, serving different foods. I found Noni fascinating. You can learn a lot about people if you listen. Unfortunately, Satan isn't that person.

Satan's business would thrive if he learned about people instead of treating them unimportant. There are many times he almost lost business by his cold demeanor, but I managed to get the people to do business with Satan. I didn't tell him.

We arrived at the address, and Noni helped me with my bags. I dragged my luggage to the front door and knocked.


I got off the plane and looked around the terminal. Where the hell is Liliana? I checked the entire airport, asking people if they saw a woman around five-six, reddish-brown hair, blue eyes, with a big mouth, which held plump lips. Wait. What?

Everyone I asked, shook their heads. I went to the baggage claim, grabbed my bags, then hailed a taxi. How the hell do you lose someone that looks like Liliana in Hawaii? Wait. Why do I think about her looks? I need to stop that.

As the driver drove me to my parent's house, questions ran through my mind.

"How the hell do you lose someone in Hawaii?" I asked.

The driver glanced at me.

"What if something happened to her? What do I tell my parents? I know Mom will ask. Do you think people randomly disappear? What if someone kidnapped Liliana?" I questioned.

"Who's Liliana?" The driver asked.

"My secretary and fake fiancé, who's helping me this week," I answered.

"You have a fake fiancé?" The driver questioned.

"Yes, I lied to my mom because she harps on me about settling down, and my ex-girlfriend is getting married," I replied.

"Why not be honest?" The driver asked.

"Because I don't see my family a lot, but I see Liliana every day. She drives me nuts. The woman can't stop talking and hassling me about things," I explained.

"Then why do you keep Liliana around at work if she bothers you?" The driver inquired.

"Because Liliana can do the job where others failed. She's more competent and efficient than other secretaries that I had. She's punctual, works, and takes care of clients. Her reports are accurate," I explained.

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