Murphy's Law

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Murphy's Law states if anything can go wrong, it will. It's a known fact that this happens all the damn time. For example, I agreed to pretend to be Satan's fiancée and he paid me for it. Considering I have to put up with Satan for a week along with Polly sunshine, I consider it a fair deal. No one is that happy all the time unless they're smoking the magic stick.

Now, while Satan is proving he's not a complete loser in the female persuasion, I was on a mission to figure out the truth. Polly tells me one thing, Alec says another, and Grandma says something differently. There are three sides to a truth, yours, theirs, and the actual truth. I plan on learning the unabridged truth, but first I have to deal with wedding bullshit.

It's weird, I'm not even getting married, yet I'm learning more about weddings. Today everyone is gathering at Langley's house for wedding games. Is there such a thing as wedding games? Why can't people be normal and feel miserable about getting married?

We walked to the back yard and the Langley's had different things set up.

"Welcome to the annual Langley games. This year's theme is all things weddings to honor our daughter who's getting married. First up, the dating game. You have to answer questions about your intended and whoever gets the most points, wins," Craig announced. Great, I know nothing about Satan. It looks like I'm faking it like an orgasm when a guy sucks in bed.

Satan and I sat in this booth type structure while Polly sat in another one with her fiancé, and joining us was the third couple.

"Now, how we will play this game is the bride-to-be has to come up with the correct answer for the groom-to-be. Who answer the most correct questions wins," Craig announced.

Great, we would lose. Craig started asking questions. Since I don't know anything about Satan, I went with what I liked. The part that shocked me is that Satan gave the same answers while the groom and bride missed almost every single one. The other couple got fifty percent of their answers correct.

After the game ended, Satan and I won. There's a shocker.

"It looks like Dimitri and Liliana are the winners of the dating game! Now onto the next game," Craig announced.

We stepped down from the booth, watching the happy couple argue. So much for Polly sunshine being cheerful, considering she hates to lose.

"It looks like someone's an unhappy camper," I mentioned.

"It's such a shame," Satan added, smirking. I laughed. "I say we beat Cherisse and Harry at every game."

"At least it won't be boring to watch fireworks," I said. Satan chuckled as we went to the next event.

We stood there as Craig explained what we were doing.

"Marriage is like an obstacle course, balancing work and family. You will need teamwork to work together to save the baby," Craig announced.

We looked to see all these different contraptions and dolls dangling from a rope over spikes. I'm not sure how Polly's family raised her, but I doubt it was like that poor doll.

"Uh, no offense, Satan, but that family is crazy," I remarked.

"More like deranged," Satan told me as we looked at each other.

We got to the start line and Craig shot a pistol into the air, signaling us to begin. We ran through this obstacle course with monkey bars, ropes, walls, rocks, glass, and LEGOs. Did I mention we did this barefoot and stepping on a LEGO hurt like a bitch? I jumped around cursing as someone picked me up off the ground.

"Satan!" I yelled.

"You're slowing us down and we can't let Cherisse and Harry win," Satan informed me.

"Then carry away," I suggested as Satan carried me to the next part.

We made it through most of the obstacles until we came to the wall. I jumped but I suck at agility sports. Satan made it over the wall, then watched me try and fail, making it over the wall.

"Liliana," Satan said.

"A little help here," I told Satan.

"Okay, there's a spider on your back," Satan said, I screamed as I moved my ass over that stupid wall, falling onto the ground on the other side. I hit the ground with a thud as Satan got down, pulling me up.

"Thanks for the help," I grumbled.

"It got you over the wall, didn't it?" Satan asked.

I dusted myself off. "You could have helped me over," I told Satan.

"Then what fun would that be?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes as we heard the others behind us, taking off, maneuvering through the obstacle course. When we reached the door, the rope was breaking.

"Save the baby!" I yelled as Satan ran, diving through the air, grabbing the baby as it was about to drop onto the spikes. I ran over to him as he laid on the ground, holding the baby in the air.

"It looks like we have a winner!" Craig announced. "And it's Liliana and Dimitri, again," Craig mumbled.

I helped Dimitri up as he held the doll in his arm. It looks like junior won't perish anytime soon. The bride didn't look happy and the groom looked miserable. For two people getting hitched in a few days, their cracks are showing.

After those two games, I decided to sit the next one out, avoiding dangerous items isn't my idea of a good time. I hit the snack table until they served lunch.


I had to admit that was fun, especially watching Cherisse lose her shit. You want to dump me, then I'll enjoy rubbing your nose in your losing.

"Do you have to act smug?" Harry asked, walking towards me.

"Nope, it's part of my natural charm," I retorted, smirking.

"The whole point of these games is for Cherisse and me to win, not for you to beat us," Harry told me.

"Are you afraid of some competition?" I asked with a challenging tone.

"Oh, please. I can be you any time and any day," Harry scoff.

"Okay, then prove it," I challenged, shrugging.

"My pleasure," Harry said, accepting my challenge.

We walked away from everyone to battle it out. I wanted to show Harry why I'm a better person.


I snacked on some cheese, crackers, vegetables, fruit, and anything else lying around on the table. I was a little hungry.

As I stood there, stuffing my face, Polly made her way over to me. Can't a person eat in peace?

"I wanted to congratulate you and Dimitri on winning two of the games. You proved that you're a worthy adversary," Polly commented.

"Uh, huh," I mumbled with a mouthful of food.

"I give you props for working together with Dimitri," she added.

"Mmm," I replied, trying to swallow my food, which she was making difficult.

"One day, we will have to double," Polly suggested.

I nodded as I swallowed my food. Why do people talk to you while you're stuffing your face? It's like going to the dentist. The dentist has some weird-ass conversation with you while they have their hands and tools of rental destruction in your mouth. It's not like you can answer anyway. It's the same way when you're on the phone and someone tries to have a conversation while you're talking to someone else.

I nodded as Polly rambled about insignificant things while I kept stuffing my face. Where is Satan when you need him to annoy your ass? He's not here for once. I even turned my back to Polly and she moved around to my other side. I kept switching directions as she kept getting into my view. Why me?

I need to find Satan, then again, I'm not sure that's a hot idea either because I'm screwed either way. Someone shoot me now.

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