You got to be kidding me

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Since I had time to kill before this stupid hen party, I had some fun. Satan is busy doing god knows what, so I kept myself busy. First, I pulled the bag of edibles that Alec left and had one. The first one was okay, but I thought a second one will be better. Two edibles turned into five, making me happy.

I turned on some music and played dress-up. I looked through a trunk full of clothes in the room and found a pair of boxers that had hearts all over them. I laughed, knowing the boxers belonged to Satan. I put them on and found a pair of big sunglasses, putting them on me. Next, I wrapped a boa around my neck. I'm styling with my outfit.

I danced around the window to Bob Seger's Old Time Rock & Roll. I grabbed a hairbrush, then ran out of the room, sliding across the floor in my socks. I lip-sync to the song as I danced, not realizing someone's watching me. I twirled the boa around as I danced around, moving my head to the music. You got to love Bob Seger.

As I danced and mouthed the words, I had a lot of fun, shaking my butt back and forth. I held out my arm, pointing as I moved around, then yelped.

"Oh, don't stop on my account," Satan said, smirking.

"I thought I was alone," I mentioned.

"Correction, you thought, but you aren't," Satan said as he walked up the stairs to where I was.

I stood there in my oversized sunglasses, boa, tank top, heart boxers, and socks, acting confident. It's difficult to act when you're freaking high as a kite. I pressed my lips together, trying not to laugh.

Satan studied me intently as I kept my composure.

"Hmm, you're wearing an interesting outfit, glazed eyes, maintaining your composure, pressing your lips." Satan leaned forward. "You're high, aren't you?"

"What?" I asked, acting shocked. "I would never get high," I exclaimed dramatically.

Satan arched an eyebrow at me.

"Okay, you got me. I had some of Alec's edibles," I confessed, then burst out laughing.

Satan took my hand and led me into the bedroom. He closed the door behind us as I stood there, giggling. I watched as Satan walked towards me, still giggling. Satan stood in front of me as I sniggered.

The next thing I knew, Satan places his hands on my face, then leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. He deepened the kiss as I raised my hands, placing them on his back. I don't know if this is a dream or not, but I hope it isn't one.

Satan pulled back and looked at me as I opened my eyes.

"Did you just kiss me?" I questioned.

"Yep," Satan answered.

"Why?" I asked.

Satan lowered his hands and turned to walk away. I ran and jumped on his back, knocking him down on the floor.

"Liliana!" Satan huffed.

"You can't walk away after kissing me," I informed Satan.

"I'm going to get a sandwich," Satan lied.

"Liar! We already ate," I reminded Satan.

"Well, shit," Satan said.

"Now, tell me why you kissed me?" I asked.

Here's the thing about edibles, never eat them when you try to tackle someone. It never ends well. Satan managed to flip me on my back and pin me to the floor.

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