Getting ready for a trip

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Satan gave me the day off from work to pack for the trip. Wasn't that sweet of him? I had Kris pick me up some edibles while I packed. I would need them to deal with Satan himself.

Kris walked into the edible shop and talk to the owner.

"Hey, Diego," Kris greeter the owner.

"Yo, Kris. What's up?" He asked, putting edibles in a case.

"I need some edibles that help you enough to relax, but not like the ones you sold me the other day," Kris told Diego.

"Oh, you like those edibles? They're a new recipe I created," Diego mentioned, smiling.

"They were fantastic, but drove Liliana insane if you know what I mean," Kris said, making Diego chuckle.

"Liliana is the only one I know that gets horny eating edibles," Diego chuckled.

"Only the potent ones. I need some with a low percentage for Liliana and potent ones for me," Kris ordered.

"You got it." Diego went and bagged up the edibles marking them, classifying which ones are which. Kris paid and left.

The problem with this, when you don't pay attention to the bags, they get mixed up. That will prove to be a problem on my trip.

Kris returned with the bags and tossed one onto my bed without paying attention. I walked into the room to add things to my suitcases when I saw the bag. I shrugged, packing it. Once I packed everything I needed, I took my bags to the door.

"What the hell did you pack?" Kris asked, looking at my suitcases.

"I packed outfits for every situation. Considering we have a week planned for fun activities, I need clothes," I said sarcastically.

"Good luck, Satan," Kris joked.

"It'll be fine. I act like I love the devil himself, fooling his family; he saves face, I get that promotion, and life is grand. Eye on the prize, Kris," I reminded her.

Kris looked at me, doubtfully.

"What's that look for now?" I questioned.

"A lot can happen in a week, especially away from the office," she mentioned.

I rolled my eyes. That's not going to happen, ever.

"Liliana, you can deny it all you want, but we both know that when you get to know someone, feelings get involved. It's inevitable," Kris reminded me.

"Satan is my boss. It surprises me that he's walking on earth and not in the depths of hell," I remarked.

Kris shook her head. She can think whatever she wants, but this is an agreement between Satan and me. I pretend he's human, and I get what I want. Plus, I'm curious to meet his family. My luck they will be like Satan, grumpy, and humorless.


I packed for the trip. I ordered a car to pick up Liliana and bring her to the airport. I didn't need to miss my flight and hear a lecture from Mom.

My phone rang.

"Hi, Mom," I answered.

What time is your flight arriving?

"It should arrive at two, depending on delays," I replied.

Oh, good. I have a particular room set up for you and your fiancé.

"There's no need. We will sleep in separate rooms," I advised.

Nonsense, you can share a room. You're practically married.

"Liliana believes in waiting for marriage and not sharing a room," I lied. I didn't know what Liliana thought about sex or anything else. Wait. I don't need to think about Liliana and sex in the same sentence.

Dimitri, you're full of it. No one waits until marriage to do the horizontal mambo.

"Mom!" I exclaimed.

I'm saying that we're not old fashion, plus I want grandbabies. Heaven knows your brother won't provide any babies.

"Mom, Alec is gay. He can adapt," I reasoned.

Like I said, no babies. Your brother can't find a decent guy, let alone adopt babies."

I can't believe I'm having this conversation now. I laid back on my bed and groaned. Why me? I listened to Mom ramble about babies and never getting any babies. I didn't need this shit now. I need to get through this week with Liliana while seeing Cherisse, who I didn't see in years.

To get Mom off the phone, I agreed to share a room with Liliana, fml.


I woke up the next day and got ready. Satan sent a car for me along with a message not to be late. Isn't that special of him. The driver took my bags, and I thought coffee would help. I made the driver go through the drive-thru if Biggby and ordered a coffee. If I'm going to deal with Satan on a plane, I want caffeine.

Thanks to my coffee break, I arrived late. The driver handed me my bags, and I dragged them to the check-in. It's always fun to get through security at Detroit Metro Airport.

After checking in and having my bags tossed onto the conveyer belt, I walked into the airport. I had to show my boarding pass before they let me through the terminal, then I had to run to the other side of the airport.

"Hey, you! Stop!" I yelled as a motorized cart stopped. The employees looked at me strangely as I climbed on to the cart next to him. "Look, I need a lift. My boss is Satan and shoots fire out of his nose. He'll hurt me if I miss my flight."

"Lady, this isn't a country club," the employee told me.

"No, because you can drink and drive around, hitting a ball with a club, which is more fun," I sighed. The employee looked at me like I was crazy. "I'm not getting off this cart until you take me to my exit."

The employee rolled his eyes and drove me to my exit. That's how you get things done. During our trip, we talked, and the guy lightened up. He pulled in front of the boarding gate, and I got off the cart, handing him a ten-dollar bill.

"Thanks for the lift," I said.

"Any time," the guy said, smiling, then drove away.

I turned and saw Satan standing there, looking at me strangely. I walked over to him.

"What's that?" Satan asked.

"That was getting to know Dequin. He works at the airport, which he's been here for five years. Dequin is going to school at night, hoping to be an engineer. He's quite fascinating," I mentioned.

"No, I meant in your hand," Satan said, pointing to my coffee.

"Oh? This? It's a coffee from Biggby. I made the driver stop so that I could get one. I need caffeine if I'm traveling with you," I mentioned, smiling.

Satan didn't smile. Now that I think of it, I never saw Satan smile. I don't think he has any teeth. If Satan does have teeth, he's hiding them.

"Now boarding flight 182 for Hawaii," the airport announced.

I walked to the gate, handed my ticket to the agent, who checked it. Then she made me dispose of my coffee. Well, that sucks. That's great coffee. That annoyed Satan as he waited for me to toss my coffee cup. I walked onto the airplane and found my seat.

I sat there, waiting for Satan to join me, but saw him enter first class. Wait. What? How does he get to fly first class, and I'm stuck in coach?

Wow, I can see it now, this trip is going to be so much fun. I wonder what Satan's family has planned for me? They'll put me in a shack with minimal accommodations.

I opened my carry on bag and pulled out a book. If I'm stuck on a plane for hours, then I can keep myself occupied. Since my "fiancé" is a schmuck, I can imagine how life will be in Hawaii. It's a good thing we aren't getting married. Who would want to marry Satan? Not me, that's for sure.

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