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Matan Fada, Katsina State.

Today Mallam Muhammad walked into the house looking very despondent and pallid. An almost defeated look marred his face when he looked at Falak. Like he's fighting himself against something he can never win with. That's just life, nothing is permanent. From what life has taught him, you should treasure what you have.Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grief, too short for those who rejoice, But for those who love. Time is Eternity. For all people out there with someone special in your heart, cherish that person, cherish every moment that you spend together that special someone, for in life, anything can happen anytime. You may painfully regret, only to realize that it is too late. He's regretting it right now, especially after looking at his beautiful daughter.

This beautiful young lady should not suffer like this. She's beautiful, young and very intelligent but he can't do it anymore, he can feel that his days are over. There is this guts feeling that he's been feeling since in the morning and he can't shake it off.

"Falak, give me the mat and a pillow please." He tiredly requested, leaning his small frame against the door to her room.

"Okay, Abba." She replied, sensing how sick her father is looking with heavy bags underneath his eyes and more wrinkles around his face. She immediately spread the mat and went to make some concoction for him.

"Abba, here, take this. It'll help insha'Allah." She smiled brightly, lifting his frail spirit with just her smile. Maybe this is the last time he's going to see it, he should cherish it.

"Thank you. I want to give you some advises and an address. I can feel it Falak, my days are over! Don't interrupt." He sternly say the last sentence when she opened her mouth to talk back to him.

"Okay." She silently sat down, looking gloomy all of a sudden which made him feel bad for dipping down her spirit, for ripping her incandescence. This is almost the first time he's seeing her like this, not even after been once beaten by his cruel wife. He's so bless to have such buoyant daughter in his life. He's always proud of her wherever and whenever he goes because people always praise her and he knew why she's not married but he's not ready to tell her. There is someone out there waiting to explain everything to her.

"Whatever it is you'll come across in life, know that what is yours will always find a way to come to you. Don't push things but also don't give up. I know how much you want to be an architect even though it's useless in this village but we always pray that one day, you'll leave here and pursue your dreams.

"Do not be a coward and run away whenever there is a problem, remember that every problem has a solution, never ever break someone's heart, you may not know when it will happen to you. You'll face them no matter what. Well, except if you're not alive. Problems are everywhere and they're mostly qadr Allah is testing your tawakkul. Keep up with your Islamic education and never let it fly away.

"He who listens to everybody will only become a laughing stock. Never listen to anyone who says you can't do it even if you know you can't. That person is not a friend nor a well wisher. True friend is the one who always supports and stands by you in any situation. Know those kind of people and stay away from those who want you for what you have." He incessantly continue to talk.

"Falak, I'll like you to take this address and go there after I die." Her father coughed, giving her a pleading look that she should not ask many questions. And then gave her the crumpled old paper which looks like it's been kept for many years.

"Abba, you're not going to die, please stop saying that." She whined at the old man that is lying on their only torn mat, she looks forlorn.

"Hear me out. Go to this address immediately after my corpse is taken to the graveyard. Don't turn back no matter what Adama will say to you. You'll get some money from your friends and check inside my favorite babban riga, you'll see some changes inside. Go there straight and ask for Karima, she's your mother like I told you, she's not dead. She'll love you immensely, she loves you so much. I'm sorry for being selfish and not letting her take you with her, I'm sorry." He said in between coughs.

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