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Kano State, Nigeria.

Falak awoke with a smile on her face but felt uncomfortable as she feels her muscles sour. That didn't let the smile fall off as she pivoted to look at her husband. They are now one, one soul, one heart and one body. She don't know how it's possible but her love for him kept brewing in her chest making her choke on her own spit. He looks so peaceful with his eyes closed and long curled lashes fringing his almond shaped eyes, his haughty nose stand in arrogance.

Proper, aristocratic gentleman. Sophistication and elegance oozed out of his sleeping figure in waves. Even in sleep, he has that air of authority.

After eye raping him for awhile, she lie back down on the bed, she is still in his arms. She can't believe the big bad prince likes cuddling so much because he wouldn't let her go even when she woke up. She don't even know when the shirt from the night before got back on her body but she is glad she didn't sleep bare as it is not good. She's glad he woke up in the night and got her back into it.

Continuing to stare at him like a creep, he woke up some minutes later and yawned then settled his gaze on her. He didn't move and she also didn't blink then just like that, time stopped and they are the only ones on earth. Feeling shy, Falak stood up and walked straight to the bathroom forgetting she is wearing only the shirt from yesterday and she missed Shaddad's full blown smile behind her. He knew she would wish to see his smile and he is going to let her see it soon.

She took a bath in the tube, making sure each and every crevice of her body is washed. She feels different. And no, the smile didn't once was waver or stumble from her lips even when she almost fell off in the tube. She just can't get enough of her thoughts and Shaddad hence the grin perching itself on her face like a permanent marker. She just wish nothing will spoil her day and she will continue to smile like that.

When she walked out of the bathroom, Shaddad is not in the room so she made her way to the closet and get dressed in simple dandelion maxi dress and match it up with nude veil and matching shoes then took her lab coat. She forgot that the ones in the hospital are dirty and she didn't ask anyone to wash them so she has no choice but to take one with her. She saw Shaddad all dressed in another set of waistcoat and slacks making her mouth water and the thoughts of their night to invade her sense.

She didn't talk to him, she is too shy to even let him look at her eyes so she made quick cereal for them both. She didn't lecture him about breakfast and ate fast feeling his eyes on her. When she was done, she close the Chamber's door and sat herself on the passenger's sit silently. She wish she could just fly off from the car and find herself in the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital, Falak didn't want to create a scene but she wanted to bolt to her Ward and let Shaddad stay behind then again, people will question if something is wrong between the Royal couple and she don't like the idea of that so she stand beside him and together they walked into the hospital. She didn't give him his normal kiss on the cheek and she didn't accompany him to his office which he understands since she has been behaving weird ever since she woke up.

Shaddad shook his head at his whacko wife and meandered to his Ward. He can't help the feeling of happiness bubbling inside of him alongside completion. He feels complete like every other man but he won't deny that he don't like Falak ignoring him because she is shy. He is used to her striking conversations and all that and if she goes all weird now, he don't know what to do. Things will be super uncomfortable and that is the least thing he wants between him and her after what happened the night before.

He knows it's inevitable for her to feel shy because he was feeling that too when he woke but it vanished when he saw her shy smile. He badly wanted to draw her close and kiss her again but she moved just before he could fill in his confidence. He lacks that when it comes to Falak and always wonder if he is the man or she is. She always makes the first moves and also the boss, not that he minds. He likes when she takes control and scold him like a child.

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