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Kano State, Nigeria.

Removing a set of ash kaftan getzner and black Zannab Bukar cap, Shaddad trudged to take a short shower because there are things he needs to handle as soon as possible. A quick shower is all he could afford to do right now and nothing other than that. Though all he wants to do is burrow his brows in a surgery with hospital clothes and all.

He went to the hospital like he normally does but came back earlier than usual. He needs to get a bride as soon as possible and he texted Asad about it who said he will help him get one. Asad texted him the girl's address and number and told him to call the number when he gets there that she will come out and will talk to him, that is one hell of a struggle and work in his side.

Once he was done getting himself into the outfit he brought out, he added his silver Rolex and took his car keys before sauntering out of the Chamber to his new car, BMW 8 series. He is into cars and whenever there is a new one he liked, he made sure he gets that. Cars can be his weakness when almost all the cars in the palace are his but he let his brothers use it when he is not into them again.

Arriving at the written location, he dialled the number and waited for the person to pick and she did after eight seconds and he thought she wasn't going to answer. If she hadn't, he wouldn't have called again and will leave to search for another. He is a man and not only is he any man. He got the looks, the brain, the money, the fame and the Royal blue blood flowing in his veins so he shouldn't bother.

If only he agreed with those two weeks, he would've rested for the first week and started searching in the second week. He just had to be arrogant!

"Assalamu Alaikum." He greeted when he heard shuffling on the other side of the line.

"Wa'alaikum assalam." Her voice wasn't what he expected. Is he wrong when he wanted to hear something similar to his village lass's? That is what he wanted to hear but even this one's is not that bad, just not like what he wanted and expected and anticipated.

"It's Shaddad, I'm outside." He said that as if she should know what he is talking about and she does because she muttered small I'm coming and hung up.

He became nervous again. What will he say to her? Is she pretty and outgoing? Can she handle his boring ass and not run for the hills? Moreover, is she one of those status seekers? Or can she fit in with his status? Won't Falak downgrade her if she isn't beautiful and tease him for stooping so low? He should just turn around and go back to the Palace and accept Falak as his bride, he can't do this shit.

Then again, he wouldn't want to hurt that innocent beautiful soul. He doesn't know how to make a girl happy and he rather make another woman suffer than make her suffer so he took this lane. What will Falak do with someone who hardly talks and doesn't even know the meaning of love? It's better that she should get another man, it is for the best or so he thought.

He yawed his gaze back to the woman that walked out of the house. The house has little traditional red, yellow, green and blue paint like anyone who has title in Kano but no one is allowed to put too much of it because there should be difference between the Palace and other people's.

She is wearing fitted green ankara with flowers all around it. She has a veil draped modestly from her shoulder to her waist which didn't really close her lower half and the shape of her thigh can be outlined and her front is wide open, he could see her slightly dark chest that wasn't clothed with the gown. She has a good figure if he would say so himself but showing it to him when he hadn't proposed is just not right.

The green colour made his eyes bleed because it is that chartreuse colour that he hates. There are certain colours that a girl should not wear to public and this is one of them. You could be spotted from miles away and he didn't like it at all. Her face wasn't caked in makeup but she has red lipstick, mascara and cat eyeliner. If only Falak did that to her eyes, she will look more sexy with it. Well, he should stop there.

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