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Kano State, Nigeria.

"Can you please just answer my question?" Falak squeezed her eyes shut and wished it was her mouth that she closed like that so she could stop her laughter from rumbling.

"I don't think I need to-" he stopped mid sentence because a knock stopped his words dead in his throat and he would have licked any water clean from the floor in relief. He was so delighted about whoever it is that interrupted his words dead in his mouth while Falak only narrowed her eyes to the floor because she wanted to hear what he has to say but the person behind the door had to interrupt.

He whispered a come in and the Queen walked in with all his brothers trailing behind her each one of them carrying a minimum sized basket with only God knows what inside. Not that he cared one bit at that moment, his nervousness is creeping in and he just needs to do something fast. His brothers gave him a perplexed look, not getting why he is there with his wife. It is surprising seeing him show how much he cares put in the open.

Finding a way, Shaddad quickly escaped the room to let them deal with her memory loss while he went away to take in some fresh air, Falak will be the death of him for sure. Leaving the hospital, he walked back straight to his Chamber and clear away his clothes then asked one of the guards to send a maid to clean the Chamber before he brings Falak back later in the evening. He knew how much she likes dirty place and that is the least he could do.

"How did it happen?" Masrooq was the one who asked her that, keeping the basket he closed with a piece of clothing that has chocolate inside and put some bananas on top so the Queen won't reprimand.

"You guys should keep your voices low. To Shaddad, I've lost my memories except the one with Bilal, please help me play this well." She made her puppy dog eyes at them and they all sighed at the same time, knowing they won't be able to resist those eyes.

But on the other side, that is the only way to play with Shaddad's head. He never let's anything gets to him and they know this will definitely hit him hard. They snickered internally and wish they could see everything unfold in front of them. That will be one hell of a movie to watch Shaddad trying to bring Falak's memories back. Mr. Grumpy and Mrs. Wacky, what a sight.

"You are one sly woman though." Suwaid shook his head and they laughed around the room.

"I just wish we can record this and blackmail him later on." Imad grinned widely, adjoining his palms in an evil way making them all laugh around the room.

"That will be a sight, please fill me in whenever you get time." Yazid made a puppy dog eyes, worst puppy dog eyes if she would say so herself but she nodded enthusiastically with a wide grin.

Shortly after they left, her girlfriends walked into the room each with their jallabiya which made Falak raise a questioning brow at their dramatic selves. Even Hameeda and Mufeeda are wearing cute jallabiyas. Did they think that she is dead or what? Why are they all wearing black jallabiya when she is not even a Christian and do they want her dead? She mentally sighed, she shouldn't be surprised at all, they are all dramatic, her included. Well, she is far worst than any of them.

"Now why are you wearing black?" She couldn't keep quite when they all sat down on the couch by the corner of her room where Shaddad occupied moments before.

They didn't say a word and kept staring at her like ghosts, for a minute there, she wanted to run away because they don't look like her friends at all but when she saw Hameeda and Mufeeda's twitching lips, she knew they are in with their pranks again. She signed, they are playing her in her own game. How could she believe they are real?!

"How are you, Aunty Lak?" Hameeda moved away from Inayah's grip and went close to the bed where Falak widened her lips, showcasing her pearls at the little girl.

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