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Kano State, Nigeria.

Humaid will be back in an hour or so she logged into her WhatsApp to check if her girls have something to talk about and there was. Falak is slowly getting to Shaddad and he is also opening up little by little and she can't contain her excitement so she sent a picture of him with a small smile making them stagger back. The smile looks extremely handsome on him and not to talk about the flummoxed look they all have after seeing him smile. That is a very enormous progress to them.

Falak: He freaking smiled, girls! We are so getting there in no time.

And the girls hoot, Fikriyah included. Falak is really trying and deserves all the happiness there is on earth and more. She's done a lot of the man and whatever she will do to him, she should be forgiven because no woman will do what she did no matter how much she loves you. There is only a little a girl can take and she's took them all and still stood straight trying to get his love. Only Falak would do that, she knew she couldn't.

Some minutes later, she kept her phone aside and went to the closet then remove the pajamas she is wearing and took some clean towels so she can keep them in the bathroom remembering that she took them all to their laundry room that day. She was feeling more lazy that very day and the bump in front of her is also not letting her work and her weird cravings is also getting in the way. She thanked God that she has passed the first trimester successfully and now she can't wait to find out the gender on their next appointment.

Turning on the water in the shower, she started showing cleaning her body with lots of body wash and did the same to her hair making sure everywhere is cleaned. She hasn't taken bath the whole day so she wants all the dirt to leave her body so she could get ready to take her husband when he comes back. When she was done, she wrapped the towel around her body and left the glass shower cubicle then to the door just when they lights went off making her panic. And when she tried opening the door, it was locked and she can't remember locking it having no reason to since it's her bedchamber.

She sat down on the floor letting her eyes to widely look around the bathroom for something that could light up the place for her. She has phobia for dark places whilst Falak has phobia for small places and when they were locked once in a very small cave, they both found out how much they hated those things and since from then, they never risk their lives. It leads to anxiety attack hence her sleeping with the lights on every time she sleeps and thank God that her roommates in the Palace when she was a maid didn't mind.

She doesn't know for how long she sat there on the bathroom floor but she felt like she has being there for a long time because she was slowly starting to lose consciousness but she kept knocking on the door hoping the maids or her co wife will come to her rescue because she fully know that her husband won't be there until another hour or more so her mind is jumbled. Her hands moved to her baby bump wanting to feel someone close to her at that time.

Being four to five months pregnant, her bump is very huge and she remembered that she has an appointment the day after with a doctor for her regular checkups. She went into the panic mode again thinking about something harming her baby so she started knocking harder on the door but nothing happened and her energy is draining with more thoughts about her baby getting affected by all that is happening and she lost consciousness right there on the floor.

"Welcome back." Madeeha smiled at him from the door and he smiled back and said thank you before leaving her room to go to the room he should be in that day, Fikriyah's room.

Humaid said his taslim and opened Fikriyah's room and walked in but didn't see her anywhere around. He left the room and meandered around the whole Chamber from room to room in it but there is no sight of her so he ambled back to their room then face palmed as he didn't check the first place he was supposed to, the bathroom. That should've being the first place but he really wasn't in his right sense. She was always there to welcome him and not seeing her nor food on the dining table only pushed his insecurity.

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