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Kano State, Nigeria.

"I don't know if I should even be doing this, I'm thirty one weeks pregnant. In a week, I will reach my due date." She mumbled to the camera and move closer to Shaddad who placed his hand gently on her shoulder and brought her closer to him.

"I told you not to. We already have twelve, that is enough for them." He argued, trying his best to coax her out of doing her into stopping her weekly videos, some she discards and some she keeps for her babies.

"You can go away if you don't want to be here." She glared hotly at him and move away from his arms to emphasize just how mad she is about him stopping her from doing something for her babies. She feels like she is the only one that loves them and he doesn't.

"I'm sorry." He gets used to apologizing all the time knowing how she changes more than a kid can play with a switch.

In those weeks that she has been pregnant, he won't say he has suffered knowing he enjoyed each day of their ride. When she doesn't sleep, she makes sure to stop him from sleeping also. They will keep talking about everything and nothing along with their babies and the names they want to name them. They didn't get the gender since the babies are not exactly opened after the miscarriage. She asked the doctor not to even tell her about it and they will find out after she gives birth. Hoping they are not all boys and there are girls more than boys. Maybe two girls and one boy, she wish.

When her cravings kick in, she will never eat anything in the foods that is in her house, nothing at all. Sometimes, they will leave the palace and roam around the streets of Kano to get something to feed her stomach. They will buy lots of suya, and other junk foods all around the State. And she wasn't satisfied with all that they got and had to go back again to get some more food for her. She ate maize, beans cake and other junk foods that she never will look at if she wasn't pregnant.

She makes him cook his famous spaghetti and kidney sauce almost everyday. He will happily oblige and make it for her while she threw up whenever she finished eating sometimes. Shaddad will clean the room and the maids will clean the other places around the house. She was so heavy in just five months that you will think she is seven months pregnant. Her legs are swollen, she's got several backaches and her fingers are swollen too.

Daily massages are his work after getting back from the hospital. Those deep tissue massage with firm strokes pressing deep into muscles. It's Swedish massage that he learnt how to by some gynecologist. She hardly gets to comment when he is  doing it except for the moans she releases whenever he got his hands on her. It turned him on to no end but who is he to stop her from getting what she wants. After each massage, they make love, that is just how the routine became.

"Okay, so I don't even have much to tell you guys. I just need to tell you triplets that I'm about to give birth to your heads and I did the most weirdest thing on earth while carrying. Don't even forget how much I'm suffering right now so after growing up, if I ask any of you to do something and you frown, I will make you suffer you whole existence. Now I can't wear my favorite clothes just because I'm carrying you three." She narrowed her eyes at the camera making Shaddad chuckle at her cuteness.

"I'm serious, wallah. I expect full enthusiasm when I ask you to do something! Even if it is to kill yourselves." She continue to ramble on the camera as usual chirping in Shaddad all the time.

"How about you show them the changes made in the nursery?" He raised a brow when she beamed at the camera and took it from the ring lights so they can walk to the nursery made for her three children.

Walking down the hallway to the room just next to theirs, Falak opened the door and walked in. She has never thought Shaddad will be so intrigued with her videos and even offer her some great advice. The thought of showing them the room had been in her mind for a long time but it always slips away from her mind. The pregnancy tend to mess with her blood pressure and also her head.

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