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Kano State, Nigeria.

The drive back to the Palace was filled with silence but you could feel the relief in the air surrounding the couple. Falak was nervously fiddling with her fingers while Shaddad is looking straight ahead and kept driving, not even knowing where his thoughts are going to. He just knew he wants to keep hitting Arif's face till he is unrecognizable

Falak flicked with her fingers and try spotting the invisible dirt from her nails but she has her hands manicured some days ago so it won't be there. She don't even know where to stroke the conversation from now that she has spent a day without him. Isn't she Falak? Has she ever been awkward or nervous to start a conversation with anyone? She has never been and it won't start with her own husband, her own statue and the love of her life. Not now not ever.

Glancing at him, she took in his pajama clasped body and the look of concentration on his face. Even with a pajama, he manage to look so sexy, serious and like the King he is, dominating. He has the aura always around him so maybe that has to do with his calm mind and composed self. She admire that of him, she wished she was like that. Not displaying any emotion and just using your brain and mind to think about something but she won't ever be and that is it.

But then again, that is how it is supposed to be. If he is the calm and collected one, she should be fierce and also the talkative one. She likes the way they balance each other in so many ways. Now that he is calm, she should pluck out something that will make them both laugh like always, well, she will laugh while he let out a ghost smile. From where is she to start now that she feels like she don't even know herself just spending a day away from her husband? Hmm, where?!

Wounding her left arm around his right one that is sitting on the armrest, she move her body closer to his and sighed in content. She lie her head on his muscular arm and close her eyes then suspire. Shaddad only glanced at her for a few seconds then went back to driving. The place she placed her head on feels warm and she started unintentionally moving her thumb around his elbow. He likes how her warmth envelop his whole being and he calmed down further. She is there with him and so much safe.

"I think I should drive the car again." She hid her smile when she saw the horrified expression he had for a split second before it vanished.

"No, I am not ready to die now. And seeing you like this, your head is not correct." She laughed loudly because it was the first time Shaddad tried making a joke and even if she doesn't want to laugh, she must. It wasn't even needed, she was laughing because what he said was funny truthfully. Her head isn't correct and if she is to drive the car that moment, they sure are going to die.

"C'mon, I'm not that bad when it comes to driving. In fact, I'm an expert in the department, you should trust me." She grinned sheepishly after coming back from her high of guffaws.

"I haven't forgotten about your punishment." He looked down at her adorably when he stopped at the red light but she was busy thinking about where will Shaddad's mind go if he says he is going to punish her then came up with nothing.

"You should because even kidnapping is not an easy punishment. I think I've been punished enough spending the night without you." She pouted and snuggle herself more into his arm unwittingly brushing the hills of her chest there but he didn't acknowledge that.

"Right." And the drive continue silently only Falak's moves around his arms and unintended patterns on his elbow. He likes the silence.

"Woah! Home sweet home!" She sighed dramatically and stepped into the empty Chamber then went straight to the bathroom to take a bath.

Though she's taken one before she left the hut and her mother in-law, she has this connection with her bathroom and she can't help wanting to have another bath inside. Her bathroom is the best out there and the one in the hut has dirt on the floor and as she baths, she dirt from the floor splashed on her body ruining the whole process of removing dirt by bringing another one. She sighed in content when the hot water hit her body, her shower cubicle is to die for.

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