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Kano State, Nigeria.

"Now you girls should listen." Asad started, turning around from the driver's seat to talk to them like some lecturer. "No physical assault and even verbal, she is a nice lady but just desperate for a husband, rich nonetheless." He finished, earning a big grin from all the girls.

"Yes, sir!" They saluted and climb out of the car watching as Shaddad's BMW 8 series raced down the coal tarred street.

The girls all adjusted their shades and started walking to the girl with more bounce than needed in their steps. They reached just before she could open the gate to the house. Inayah was the one who called out her name and she stopped dead on her tracks and turn around, giving them a questioning look but you won't miss the fear in her eyes. It is not everyday that she sees beautiful ladies in black and shades coming her way like kidnappers.

"Shukrah Yusuf Matawalle!" The way Inayah said her name in full made her stop because she wanted to bolt to the safety of her home. Her instinct told her to sprint into the house and she almost did that before hearing her full name yelled out around the whole quite street.

"How may I help you?" Her voice shook gently which she tried to hide but failed, the girls look quite intimidating even with their feminine looks.

"Just some few words. Can you step back here." This time around, Jabrayah talked, looking like the real robber in her black jeans and her husband's black button up.

Shukrah moved back to where they are standing with hesitant steps and forced a smile across her lips. She can't believe she is brave to come close to these dangerous people and even smile. How stupid of her. She wiped the smile immediately because they might think she is challenging them when she is trying to be nice.

"I want you to stay away from Shaddad. I don't want things to get bloody and if you still ask him to come and see you, you won't like where everything will head to. I'm a woman of few words and if a man is taken, he shouldn't be seeing another just to make his wife mad. Stay away from him, I don't repeat threats twice, I take action.!" Falak looked and spoke like the real racketeer which frightened Shukrah even more.

Even though Falak is the finest one amongst them, she still is more deadlier than them. Her words spoke volumes and the undertone imminent threat is what made her liver and kidney shook in fear. Who the hell are they and why do they want her to stay away from thee Yarima? After thinking she's finally lucky to have the prince no one thought would get married this had to happen? Not only is he any prince but the next in the line?! Then she remembered something.

The girls are trying very hard to keep back their guffaws. They regret not recording this so they could watch and laugh at their act.

"Is he married?" She scrunched her face to that of puzzled and flummoxed girl which looks so hideous to Falak but she knew it is jealousy that is seeing that not her.

"He is and so back the fuck off!" Inayah spitted out because she thought the girl will put on a fight and they will start hitting her even if it is just a slap, pregnant hormones.

They didn't wait for her reply and turned around to leave the shocked and frightened woman in front of her own house. She was threatened right under her family's nose and they could've killed her even then with no one to save her.

"We did it!" The girls laughed so hard when they got into the car and Asad joined not able to stop himself because the girl did look frightened.

"You girls are great actors, superb! I should just open an industry and hire you all." He shook his head before gearing his way back to the palace but had to stop because the two pregnant women in the car wanted to fries and they stopped to buy some before going back to the palace.

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