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Kano State, Nigeria.

Falak shocked everyone to the core when she bluntly stood in front of the dining room table where everyone is sitting with tears gushing down from her eyes like a waterfall. All the princes except the newly married -Huzaif, Humaid and Suwaid- are there looking with vigilant eyes as she hysterically cried like she was just sent a message that her mother or closest friend died. Everyone around the room is stunned beyond words. Why is she crying just like that when they know that nobody died or had an accident?

Shaddad for the first time let his emotions visible and displayed on his face, not that he showed what he is feeling. Inside, he felt confused, concerned and worried but outside, he is only exhibiting the side of confusion and discomfit. She looks bad with her eyes puffy, runny nose and terribly shaky red bowed lips.

She's sniffing, erasing her nose with her veil. She's also staring at her hands, gaze very distant and empty which is something you never see with Falak even if she's thinking. Her cheeks trembled and her scrunch position on the floor is only making her look more dreadful and unpleasant. All in all, she looks like another human thrown in place of Falak, not at all the bubbly, energetic, exuberant and over enthusiastic Falak they are all accustomed and habituated to having around.

"What happened to her?" Someone asked from the table but no one moved a muscle and kept staring down at her like some alien. Even the guards and maids stopped in their tracks when they saw her quaking shoulders on the floor and their heart reach out for her.

She's always being kind to them and likes helping them out. No one has ever seen her looking so sad, well, ever since the very day she came and that was when her father died.

"Dear, what's wrong?" His Royal Majesty asked, standing up from the head chair with his wife in tow and her little brother, Imad.

"Is it wrong to love someone?" Her voice is very tearful that it breaks with each syllable, it sounds dull, matte and empty to everyone's ears, not that the princes are hearing her whispers.

"No, it's not wrong to love, my dear. Why?" Her mother is very concerned about whatever it is that is bothering her daughter. She was the one who brought bliss and joy to the house but look where they are now, she's the one who is sad and that won't work for them.

"Why is it that my love won't be reciprocated even after countlessly showing him what he means to me. I'm I not beautiful enough?" She didn't know that her words came out clear to the King, Queen and Imad because she thought she said it to herself.

A bittersweet memory flashed to her head when she remembered how he asked her to bite on her tongue so she won't say her mind out to people but, that thought flew away from her head. He is the one hurting her right now more than anyone. Is this love or is she only obsessed with him?

"You're very beautiful. If he doesn't love you back, then he is the one missing his chance with a very beautiful woman. Don't cry, he will come around when he finally realised that you're one in a billion." Her mother consoled and try getting her to stand up and take her to her room but she didn't move an inch.

Both geriatrics don't know who this he is but Imad knew who this person is but he kept quite since it's not his place to say a thing about. He felt this tad bit anger towards his older brother for not liking his sister back or at least be nice to her but he doesn't know how it works to be in a relationship so this will only be the excuse his brother has.

After more comforting words from the older couple, Falak made a promise to herself that she won't ever beg for any man's love in her life even if that person will always be Shaddad.

The feeling is just too strong for her to just make it dematerialize by a vow but she is not going to beg him to love her. She will make herself great and make sure this challenge that she accepted and the source of everything comes out with great colours. She will become a very renowned Paediatrician and be more popular than him. That is her oath, she will put her all to it.

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