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Kano State, Nigeria.

"Statue, come let's dance to this song, it's a blast." She yelled from the living room listening to him walk out of the room with an annoyed expression which she only cheekily smiled at.

"I don't dance." His effortless walk taking away her breath but she continue to uselessly dance in stupid dance steps that even a chicken will be glad to compete with her on stage.

"You mustn't know how to dance to dance, can't you see I'm just flying around to move my blood. And you haven't been to gym in three days." She continue to talk breathlessly and move her legs around in the most weirdest way possible.

"I'm going there now." And that is when she look down at his outfit and saw that he is wearing a new set of fossil sweats cool breathable running shoes adorning his legs so she stopped her dance and drool without shying away even when he knew that she is checking him out. What? He is her husband and no one else's so she will stare to her heart's content.

"Wait for me please. I think I'm getting fat since I can't walk freely without stopping to breathe and my stomach, let's not talk about it." She made her way to their room and removed her sweatpants but wore his sweatshirt since she can't really go outside wearing something as flimsy as her sweatshirt. She tied black veil in muffler around her and left the room wearing her running shoes.

They made their way to the gym in a comfortable silence while she continue to think about ways to get herself out of the mess she is almost in. She's been sick for three days, nausea and dizziness but she didn't want to take note of all the signs broadly staring at her. She needs to confirm one more thing before she jumps into the conclusion of what she is thinking. She is waiting for her period that day or the next so if it doesn't arrive, then she knows there is no doubt her thoughts are true.

She don't even know what to feel about carrying a baby in her womb but the thought always makes her heart race in anxiousness. She is afraid of what it feels like to have another human in your stomach and feed for them both together while she try her best to stay safe and not put the baby's life in danger. Is she ready to hold onto such big responsibility given to her? She feels like it is too early for her to be pregnant or maybe the nervousness is speaking.

It is not a small responsibility to have a baby in your womb. She is afraid because of her buoyant nature and exuberance, she won't be able to keep her baby safe and could risk his or her life. Or dear Lord, she is scared shitless about this new found responsibility and she is not sure about it yet. Well, children are blessing no matter what and she would love to have Shaddad's baby inside of her. So what's the use of panicking?

Having the baby for long nine years while you go through so many changes, not only from your physical appearance but also emotional and mental. She will start craving weird things, vomiting when she smells something she doesn't like, going through those emotional hormones like a switch. How she got irritated when her sister in-laws change personalities like lightning, she is also going to go through that.

A mother needs all strength and support she could get. These thoughts are making her feel more love for her mother. She's gone through all those things and still let her with her father knowing it is good for her. The way Falak is feeling the possessiveness in her is really frightening. She can't even think about letting her baby go anywhere out of her sight not to talk about staying with an ex husband in some village, not happening.

Unconsciously, she placed her hands on her stomach and in silent prayer, she pray to God to let her deliver the baby without trouble. She is not sure, yes but she could feel it in her. Is it mother instincts they call it? She could feel that she is carrying something, her body has shifted from how she normally feels herself. And maybe even the belly she is seeing is another sign of pregnancy.

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