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Kano State, Nigeria.

"Don't move that, silly." Jaiyana laughed in delight because she's never been in more than three girlfriend's and now that she has four more girls around her, her happiness knew no bound.

Though when Falak said Fikriya is her best friend right from the village, the girls got a little frightened and jealous thinking Falak will stop coming to then for advise and spending some days together. They don't know what to expect but since Fikriyyah isn't the worst of person, they will get along just good. The girl knew how to console them, what to say and what not to.

She has Inayah –Asad's wife, Jabrayah, Falak and now Fikriya with her. They are all sitting in her room after she tucked her girls to take a little nap. They cooked and made so many cupcakes to share around the whole Palace because they have nothing good to do and with their hands busy, they could talk more fluently without holding back and everyone does what he knows best.

"Jaybee, you better remove your legs from my body before I disfigure your face and tell Bilal, you won't like what he will do." Falak groaned, removing Jabrayah's legs for the nth time from her thigh but the pregnant woman isn't getting it.

Her due date is coming and she is more whiney which makes Falak wonder how Suwaid is managing.


Falak merrily laughed when Bilal's sarcastic reply came through the phone after he told her that he is downstairs waiting for her in the hospital. She left her office and got into the elevator where she met some of her other colleagues and decided to chat with them than listen to the elevators stupid boring song. She doesn't get why they put it, they should use something someone can dance listening to.

It's one week to her wedding and no matter how much her mother tried pursuing her into staying at home, she wouldn't budge and said the hospital will need her and she just can't stay at home because she is getting married. After the wedding, she can take two weeks off, instead of taking a week before and another two after. She is not in love with staying at home ever since she started working.

She's been getting pampered from up to down from side to side and she won't lie, she is enjoying the whole attention. There are more things that her mother has been giving her to take bath with and there is skin beauty session she undergoes every morning by one of the maids that volunteered. She said she used to do it back from where she came from, Adamawa before her parents died.

Her relationship with Shaddad has been good if she would say so herself. No, he doesn't smile nor does he laugh but he still talks and his eyes also said more than he would like to let her know. She goes to him and ramble when she has her free time while he only narrow his lazy face at her and fold his arms underneath his stomach as he listened attentively.

She is overjoyed!

Even if she doesn't get married to him, she is happy with him allowing her to talk to him randomly and even let her sit in his office when he should be working. She's once find him in a heated conversation on the phone where he placed the phone on speaker mode and kept quite listening as the person ramble with serious voice and he didn't remove it from speaker even after she walked in and made her presence known. At least she felt like he trusts her a little to let her hear his conversations.

Maybe even if she did get married to Shaddad, he might not even talk to her in their whole stay and she will get depressed after so many years of his silence and then divorce will follow her back. It is just better to be his best friend and support when he is breaking so she will agree with that and just be the one to make him smile is enough for her.

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