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Kano State, Nigeria.

Falak sighed, anger, fury as hot as fire taking and eating away each and every cell in her body. Her abhor for Shaddad kept resonating in the walls of the Chamber, she could only smile when her babies bounded to where she is to cheer her up. She is more than glad that he is not home at that time or she won't be held responsible for what she's done. She has already warned him about getting in her presence since last two weeks. Their relationship is hanging on the last thread which will throw them off anytime soon. She is not looking forward to that but at the same time, she is.

"I've warned you about this, you can't just go around looking at my stomach like they are the sole of every problem you are about to face in your life. If you can't take the fact that these children are ours and I am going to give birth to them whether you like it or not, then find your way out of our lives. After so much assurance, you still are doubtful. I don't even want to look at your face right now, leave." She sighed, blinking back the tears gathering in her eyes making it itch.

She is now almost nine months pregnant but he never stops trying to show that he doesn't like her babies, unlike the time when it happened with the triplets. She get that he was afraid of what happened back then to happen now. But she's assured him countless times that everything happens only if Allah plans and it annoyed her seeing that he looks like he never was a Muslim. He knows that nothing happens if Allah doesn't will so why afraid of death so much like that!

They've talked about it countless times too. She's told him she will agree with c-section so now she won't even bother having herself cut. If he wants the babies, then he should stay and try acting like the man he is not the one always panicking about losing her. Yes, she gets that he is confused and loves her a lot, also can't bear the thought of losing her but he should also consider that terminating her pregnancy won't ruin what Allah has planned for them. She will give birth to her babies whether he is there in their lives or not.

She's already made the decision long before he started having his issues. She is not going to back out from that, she loves her babies too much to even think about killing them. They are innocent, they don't even know what their father is doing and would love him unconditionally when they grace the world so why is he trying to get rid of them just for the fear of losing her?! She is not worth causing pain to their own children, their own sign of love they created themselves. She hates not having him close to her during that pregnancy, it aches a lot.

Time to time, he shows how concerned he is about her health or even talk about the babies and some other time which is most of the times, he only asks about her wellbeing not theirs. It irritates her but even as a pregnant woman, she kept quite and let him just slip away with it. That was the last straw though, she can't take too much of him when she is pregnant, close to her due date. She won't be stressed and cause danger to their children, never. She is trying her best to stay strong without his shoulder and so far, she thinks she is doing just fine alone. She is not.

He has become more paralysed as the days pass by drawing her closer to her due date. Just few more days, and she will bless the earth with her beautiful twins. Maybe the fortune teller was saying the truth about her having two more babies, they are enough for her to live. She will live with five children, not that her husband would even want anymore after what has happened just then. She also wants them to stay like that, she is okay with them five. That is if she will be with him after giving birth to her unborn babies.

She has this gut feeling telling her just how much they are not meant for each other. Right from the beginning, she's been the one suffering in that relationship and now that it is hanging, she don't even have the energy to hold onto it anymore. All she wants to do is lie down in the middle of her babies and feel the tranquility that comes after having them around her. Seeing them bounding around with so much energy is enough to lift her mood all the time their father ruins it.

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