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You can do this. Blair told herself as she stepped through the crowds towards the entrance to the party. She posed for a photo at the backdrop that was assembled for this very purpose, giving her name at the door and being allowed entry to the party that was already in full swing.

She felt the look of surprise cross her face as she realized just how massive this party really was, everywhere she looked there was another celebrity.

A drink, of God knows what, was thrust into her hand before she could even utter the words "No, thank you."

She set the flimsy red cup on the table closest to her and moved deeper into the throng of people. She saw no one she recognized and immediately feelings of insecurity began to seep into her mind. Maybe she should have partook of the drink she was offered. She wasn't the biggest fan of alcohol, always being a bit of a lightweight, but she could really use something to help loosen her up.

"Fuck it." She mumbled as she found her way towards the bar. She slid onto an open stool and waited for the bartender to pay her any attention. The area was packed everyone seemingly arriving and needing a drink at the same time.

She finally managed to gain his attention and she leaned forward to shout her order into his ear so she could be heard over the pounding music blaring through the speakers.

"Old fashioned!" She yelled praying he'd heard her correctly as he turned and began to mix her drink. She relaxed slightly when she saw him reach for the whiskey.

She signed, glancing around the party again, the large modern space draped in moving bodies in every direction she turned, all in various states of drunkenness. Her earlier confidence had diminished and she soon found herself mindlessly sipping her drink, holding the wall up.

"These parties not your thing either?" A male voice to her right surprised her. She turned to find it's owner and was intrigued to find herself face to face with the Blake Everett.

"I haven't decided yet. It's my first one." She replied, attempting to keep her tone neutral.

"I'm Blake." He said, turning sideways and leaning against the wall, obviously trying to turn on the charm. His right hand trailed its way through his messy black curls and an arrogant crooked grin spread across his way. The look was so casual and yet it made it completely clear that this was a man used to getting what he wanted.

"I'm aware." She said still trying to decide how she should react to him. The last thing she wanted to do was feed his ego, his head was clearly big enough.

He seemed taken aback by her response and turned to press his back against the wall just staring into the crowd. She didn't really know him enough to judge him, and it wasn't like anyone else here was talking to her. Sure, he was probably only doing it in hopes of scoring but it wasn't like anyone else was putting forth any effort. "Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, I'm just a little on edge. I've never been to one of these things and I don't know anyone which has me internally freaking the fuck out."

"Hah-hah. No worries. These things give me anxiety and I do know people." He smiled, charming and warm and not at all what she had expected from LA's biggest bad boy.

She had to admit he was handsome, she wasn't fucking blind. When he smiled the corners of his eyes crinkled in a way that made him appear much younger. There was something so sweet about it and it made her stomach queasy. That notion made her feel like an idiot. Like another one of these dumbstruck women who couldn't form sentences in his presence.

"I didn't catch your name, what was it?"

She took a sip of the drink she held in her hand, rocking her head from left to right deciding whether to give him a fake one before finally answering him truthfully, "I'm Blair."

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