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"Holy Shit." Blair said as Blake handed her a copy of the EP. Her EP. Damon had had tons of them shipped in to be sold the rest of the tour alongside her two T-shirt designs.

"I'm so proud of you, B" Blake whispered, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into him from his location behind her.

"I've dreamed of this my whole life. I can't believe I'm holding a CD with my name on it." She said softly.

"Soak it in, it's only the beginning for you." He lovingly placed a kiss to the side of her forehead.

"I guess I better go get ready. They'll be letting the kids in soon."

"Can I come sit with you? I don't have to get ready for another hour or so. Today's your day, I just want to spend as much of it with you as I can."

Blair fought the urge to aww audibly as she smiled at him.

"I'd love that."

He slipped his hand into hers as he pulled her along with him towards her dressing room, stepping in front of her slightly to open the door.


Blair jumped slightly as she was startled by nearly everyone on the tour shoved into her green room, a large banner with 'Congrats Blair!' splayed along the back of the room and an image of her EP cover projected onto the wall behind everyone. She felt the tears spring to her eyes as she turned to Blake.

"You did this?" She asked.

"You only make your musical debut once, babe. Congrats, I love you." He barely finished his thought as she crashed their lips together.

"Okay, okay, we get it you're in love. Blake's soft as fuck now and this is cute, but I want cake. " Rian said loudly, his voice light and joking.

"There's cake?" Blair asked excitedly, breaking their kiss.

"Yep. Chocolate with buttercream frosting, your favorite."

"Wow, you sure went all out for your 'new friend.'" She smirked as he groaned and leaned forward to press their foreheads together.

"You're never gonna let me live that down are you?"

"Never." she whispered close to his face, meeting his lips with hers once more before heading off to speak to everyone.

The whole thing just felt so surreal to Blair. In less than six months she had gone from working and performing at Deno's to playing shows with one of the world's biggest bands at the moment. She'd gone from despising Blake solely on what she knew of him from gossip sights to completely falling for him, how could she not when he was as thoughtful as this.

She bounced around the room trying to speak to everyone and thank them for all they had done for her so far on the tour and for their well wishes on the release of her EP.

After about half an hour, the crew had to go back to work and the rest of them all needed to prepare for tonight's show, finally giving her a moment to herself while Brooke heated up her hair tools and prepped her makeup area.

"I better get out to soundcheck. I'm gonna be ready early tonight so I can watch your whole set. Have a good show, I'll see you soon. I love you." He placed his hands on the armrest of the chair she was sat in and loomed over her, bending down to place a gentle kiss to her lips.

"Bye bub, I love you." She called after him as he disappeared from her view.

She grabbed her phone and checked her messages, replying to the one from Deno congratulating her on the EP. She missed him and made a note to herself to call him the next time she had a chance. Her last confrontation with her parents only solidifying the fact that he was more of a positive parental figure for her than either of her parents ever would be.

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